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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Court Appointed Examiner Issues Extensive Report on Lehman Brothers Collapse

New York Times: “It is the Wall Street equivalent of a coroner’s report — a 2,200-page document that lays out, in new and startling detail, how Lehman Brothers used accounting sleight of hand to conceal the bad investments that led to its undoing. The report [divided into 9 volumes], compiled by an examiner for the… Continue Reading

U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: January 2010

News release: “The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, through the Department of Commerce, announced today that total January exports of $142.7 billion and imports of $180.0 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $37.3 billion, down from $39.9 billion in December, revised. January exports were $0.5 billion less… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Global Food Security, Joint Strike Fighter, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Global Food Security: Progress toward a U.S. Governmentwide Strategy Is Under Way, but Approach Has Several Vulnerabilities, GAO-10-494T, March 11, 2010 Global Food Security: U.S. Agencies Progressing on Governmentwide Strategy, but Approach Faces Several Vulnerabilities, GAO-10-352, March 11, 2010 Joint Strike Fighter: Significant Challenges Remain as DOD Restructures Program, GAO-10-520T, March 11, 2010 Temporary Assistance… Continue Reading

NHTSA: Traffic Fatalities for 2009 Reach Record Low

News release: “The U.S. Department of Transportation today announced that the number of overall traffic fatalities reported at the end of 2009 reached the lowest level since 1954, declining for the 15th consecutive quarter. According to early projections, the fatality rate, which takes into account the number of miles traveled, reached the lowest level ever… Continue Reading

CRS: Job Creation Programs of the Great Depression: the WPA and the CCC

Job Creation Programs of the Great Depression: the WPA and the CCC, Linda Levine, Specialist in Labor Economics, January 14, 2010 “With the exception of the Great Depression, the recession that began in December 2007 is the nation’s most severe according to various labor market indicators. The 7.1 million jobs cut from employer payrolls between… Continue Reading

Connecticut AG Sues Credit Agencies For Tainted Ratings That Enabled Financial Meltdown

News release: “Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today sued two of the nation’s largest credit rating agencies — Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s — for knowingly assigning tainted credit ratings to risky investments backed by sub-prime loans. Blumenthal said Moody’s and S&P’s alleged misconduct enabled the worst economic downturn in the nation since The Great Depression.… Continue Reading

Google Announces agreement with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage to Digitize Rare Books

Official Google Blog: “Today we’re announcing an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage [to] digitize up to a million out-of-copyright works. The libraries will select the works to be digitized from their collections, which include a wealth of rare historical books, including scientific works, literature from the period of the founding of Italy… Continue Reading

CBO: Fiscal Policy Choices March 2010

Fiscal Policy Choices, March 2010. CBO Director Doug Elmendorf’s presentation to the National Association for Business Economics. “CBO projects that the debt is on a trajectory that poses significant economic risks and becomes unsustainable. The key choices for medium-term and long-term policy are how quickly and in what way to restrain federal borrowing.” Related postings… Continue Reading

Joint Economic Committee Releases Report On Benefits of Paid Sick Leave

News release: “Representative Carolyn Maloney, Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), and Senator Charles E. Schumer, Vice Chair of the JEC, released a report today estimating the impact of the Healthy Families Act (S. 1152, introduced by Senator Chris Dodd, and H.R. 2460, introduced by Representative Rosa DeLauro), on access to paid sick leave.… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Defense Acquisitions, Space Acquisitions, VA Faces Challenges, Afghanistan Drug Control, Iraqi Refugees

Defense Acquisitions: Opportunities for the Army to Position Its Ground Force Modernization Efforts for Success, GAO-10-493T, March 10, 2010 Space Acquisitions: DOD Poised to Enhance Space Capabilities, but Persistent Challenges Remain in Developing Space Systems, GAO-10-447T, March 10, 2010 VA Faces Challenges in Providing Substance Use Disorder Services and Is Taking Steps to Improve These… Continue Reading

President Obama Announces New Effort to Crack Down on Waste and Fraud

News release: “While discussing health insurance reform in St. Charles, Missouri today, President Obama announced new efforts to reign in waste and fraud in Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs. He explained that the administration plans to prevent wasted dollars through the use of payment recapture audits by giving auditors incentives to catch improper payments… Continue Reading