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Monthly Archives: March 2010

EPA to Increase Restrictions on Flea and Tick Products Cautions consumers to use products with extra care

News releases: “Due to a significant increase in adverse incidents, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking a series of actions to increase the safety of spot-on pesticide products for flea and tick control for cats and dogs. Immediately, EPA will begin reviewing labels to determine which ones need stronger and clearer labeling statements. Next,… Continue Reading

CBO: Report on the Troubled Asset Relief Program, March 2010

Report on the Troubled Asset Relief Program – March 2010 “To fulfill its statutory requirement, CBO has prepared this third report on transactions—including investments, grants, and loans—completed, outstanding, and anticipated under the Troubled Asset Relief Program as of February 17, 2010. The estimates presented in this report are consistent with those incorporated in the agency’s… Continue Reading

Wachovia Enters into Deferred Prosecution Agreement and Agrees to FinCEN Civil Money Penalty

News release: “Wachovia Bank, N.A. (“Wachovia”), one of the largest banks in the United States, has entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of Florida and the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice to resolve charges that it… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Aviation Security, Environmental Contamination, Environmental Health, Media Programming

Aviation Security: TSA Is Increasing Procurement and Deployment of the Advanced Imaging Technology, but Challenges to This Effort and Other Areas of Aviation Security Remain, GAO-10-484T, March 17, 2010 Environmental Contamination: Information on the Funding and Cleanup Status of Defense Sites, GAO-10-547T, March 17, 2010 Environmental Health: Opportunities for Greater Focus, Direction, and Top-Level Commitment… Continue Reading

Sources for Finding Mandated Reports to Congress by U.S. Federal Agencies

Rick McKinney: “The Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C., Inc. (LLSDC) is pleased to announce the availability on its Legislative Source Book Website of a new title called “Sources for Finding Mandated Reports to Congress by U.S. Federal Agencies” ( The site briefly describes and links to sources that list or may make available reports… Continue Reading

Action on environment should be part of Greek economic recovery plan, says OECD

News release: “Strengthening environmental protection should be part of government plans to overcome Greece’s economic and financial crisis, says a new OECD report. Speaking in Athens, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said, “Well-designed environmental policy and investment can be drivers of economic recovery. Green policies and economic growth can reinforce each other to create new jobs… Continue Reading

Study: Video-Game Ownership May Interfere With Young Boys’ Academic Functioning

News release: “Parents of young boys may want to encourage moderation when it comes to their kids’ video game habits. According to new findings in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, owning a video-game system may hamper academic development in some children…Further analysis revealed that the time spent playing video games… Continue Reading

OECD: Water – The right price can encourage efficiency and investment

News release {includes link to video and charts]: “Climate change and over-use of water will mean that nearly on in every two people will live in water-stressed areas by 2030. Households, industry and agriculture will increasingly compete for water, leaving little to sustain ecosystems. Three new OECD studies say that putting the right price on… Continue Reading

United States Joint Forces Command Public Report Offers Assessment of Future Security Environment

U.S. Joint Forces Command’s Joint Operating Environment (JOE) 2010 report, February 18, 2010 “The Joint Operating Environment is intended to inform joint concept development and experimentation throughout the Department of Defense. It provides a perspective on future trends, shocks, contexts, and implications for future joint force commanders and other leaders and professionals in the national… Continue Reading

FCC Sends National Broadband Plan to Congress

News release: “Today, the Federal Communications Commission delivered to Congress a National Broadband Plan setting an ambitious agenda for connecting all corners of the nation while transforming the economy and society with the communications network of the future — robust, affordable Internet…Titled Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan, the Plan found that while broadband access… Continue Reading