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Monthly Archives: February 2010

Moody's – U.S. CMBS: January rise in delinquency rate is largest during downturn

U.S. CMBS: January rise in delinquency rate is largest during downturn – “The delinquency rate on loans in U.S. CMBS conduit/fusion deals increased 52 basis points in January and now stands at 5.42%, as measured by the Moody’s Delinquency Tracker (DQT). This is the largest one-month increase in the history of the DQT. Loans backed… Continue Reading

Bloomberg News Surveys Economists: "U.S. Economy to Strengthen"

Bloomerberg News: “U.S. unemployment peaked in October and will retreat through 2011 as the economy strengthens, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The world’s largest economy will grow 3 percent this year and next, more than anticipated a month ago, according to the median estimate of 62 economists polled this month. The jobless rate,… Continue Reading

HHS OIG – Average Sales Prices: Manufacturer Reporting and CMS Oversight

Average Sales Prices: Manufacturer Reporting and CMS Oversight(OEI-03-08-00480), February 12, 2010 “When setting payment amounts for drugs covered under Medicare Part B, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) relies on average sales price (ASP) data reported by manufacturers. This report identifies several potential issues with the current ASP reporting process, including (1) the timeliness… Continue Reading

New Report: Largest Companies Fall Short in Managing, Disclosing Water Scarcity Risks

News release: “Despite growing water-scarcity risks in many parts of the world, the vast majority of leading companies in water-intensive industries have weak management and disclosure of water-related risks and opportunities, according to a first-ever report issued today by the Ceres investor coalition, the financial services firm UBS and financial data provider Bloomberg. The report… Continue Reading

CBO: Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in the Short Term

Statement of Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director – Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in the Short Term, prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, February 12, 2010 “The United States has just suffered through the most severe recession since the 1930s. The economy’s output is currently about 6 percent below CBO’s estimate of potential gross… Continue Reading

NOAA Launches Landmark Portal

“NOAA unveil[ed]… a new Web site – – that serves as a single point-of-entry for NOAA’s extensive climate information, data, products and services. Known as the NOAA Climate Portal, the site addresses the needs of five broadly-defined user groups: decision makers and policy leaders, scientists and applications-oriented data users, educators, business users and the… Continue Reading

Commerce Department Proposes Establishment of NOAA Climate Service

New office would target nation’s fast-accelerating climate information needs “Individuals and decision-makers across widely diverse sectors – from agriculture to energy to transportation – increasingly are asking NOAA for information about climate change in order to make the best choices for their families, communities and businesses. To meet the rising tide of these requests, U.S.… Continue Reading

What Happened to Blue Collection Mailboxes Throughout America?

Mail collection boxes on street corners, and those located in shopping and business districts throughout our country have methodically, silently, vanished over the course of the past decade. The large blue, free standing mailboxes many of us grew up using regularly to assist in the delivery of written correspondence, and of course birthday cards, are… Continue Reading

Amazon Providing Free Gov Docs for Kindle

News release: “ today announced that the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2011, and Economic Report of the President, will both be available beginning tomorrow as free wireless downloads in Amazon’s Kindle Store…”Our customers have always been heavy readers of books about current events and economic issues,” said Russ Grandinetti, Vice President,… Continue Reading

FCC Releases New Census Tract-Level Data on High-Speed Internet Services

News release: “The Federal Communications Commission today released the first High-Speed Services for Internet Access report Report [see also the related Maps] to be based on the new census tract-based Form 477 data collection requirements. The FCC has collected information from facilities-based broadband service providers since 2000. In 2008, the FCC released orders implementing significant… Continue Reading