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Monthly Archives: February 2010

Racial disparities persist in the diagnosis of advanced breast cancer and colon cancer in the United States

News release: “The incidence of advanced breast cancer diagnosis among black women remained 30 percent to 90 percent higher compared to white women between 1992 and 2004, according to new findings by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. In addition, the disparity in the incidence of advance colorectal cancer actually widened over this time… Continue Reading

Nanotechnology: a UK Industry View

Nanotechnology: a UK Industry View, February 2010 “Nanotechnology is the basis for many products that are in common use and is providing the capability to produce a very wide range of new products that will become commonplace in the near future. The UK, like many other countries, has invested heavily in nanotechnology and has considered,… Continue Reading

Moving Targets: Web Preservation and Reference Management

Moving Targets: Web Preservation and Reference Management – Richard Davis discusses the role of Web preservation in reference management in an article based on a presentation given at the Innovations in Reference Management workshop January 2010. “Web Preservation is one field of endeavour which attempts to counter the Web’s transient tendency, and a variety of… Continue Reading

Pew Environment Report Says Melting Arctic Could Cost $2.4 Trillion by 2050

News release: “The Pew Environment Group released a report that for the first time quantifies the global cost of the Arctic’s declining ability to cool the climate, indicating that the rapid melting of the region could carry a minimum price tag of $2.4 trillion U.S. by 2050. The report…estimates that this year alone the climate… Continue Reading

PBS FRONTLINE Investigation: Flying Cheap

Flying Cheap – Introduction: “Last February, Continental Flight 3407 crashed outside of Buffalo, N.Y., killing 49 people onboard and one on the ground. Although 3407 was painted in the colors of Continental Connection, it was actually operated by Colgan Air, a regional airline that flies routes under contract for US Airways, United and Continental. The… Continue Reading