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Monthly Archives: January 2010

BLS: Union Members – 2009

News release: “In 2009, the union membership rate–the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union–was 12.3 percent, essentially unchanged from 12.4 percent a year earlier, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions declined by 771,000 to 15.3 million, largely… Continue Reading

BLS: Regional and State Employment and Unemployment, December 2009

News release: “Regional and state unemployment rates were generally higher in December. Forty-three states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, four states registered rate decreases, and three states had no rate change, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the year, jobless rates increased in all 50 states and… Continue Reading

Review of NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Programs and Operations

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Review of NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Programs and Operations, Final Report No. OIG-19887, January 2010, Office of Investigations. “In short, we found systemic, nationwide issues adversely affecting NOAA’s ability to effectively carry out its mission of regulating the fishing industry. These issues have contributed significantly to a highly-charged regulatory climate and… Continue Reading

Race and Hispanic Origin of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2007

Race and Hispanic Origin of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2007: “This report from American Community Survey data describes the race and Hispanic-origin composition of the foreign-born population in 2007 and compares it with that of the total and native-born populations. It shows the foreign-born have a pattern of race and Hispanic-origin reporting… Continue Reading

GPO Posts Latest Version of Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 via THOMAS

Via Rick McKinney: “GPO finally made available the text of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009, H.R. 4173, as passed by the House on December 11, 2009. The 1706 page bill had been 1279 pages when introduced, but after numerous amendments adopted on the House floor (there was no reported version… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: GAO's Performance, National Flood Insurance Program, Defense Acquisitions

Summary of GAO’s Performance and Financial Information Fiscal Year 2009, GAO-10-235SP, January 21, 2010 Financial Management: Improvements Needed in National Flood Insurance Program’s Financial Controls and Oversight, GAO-10-66, December 22, 2009 Defense Acquisitions: Managing Risk to Achieve Better Outcomes, GAO-10-374T, January 20, 2010 Continue Reading

BLS: Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers, Fourth Quarter 2009

News release: “Median weekly earnings of the nation’s 98.7 million full-time wage and salary workers were $748 in the fourth quarter of 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This was 2.7 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 1.4 percent in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban… Continue Reading

State Department: Afghanistan and Pakistan Regional Stabilization Strategy

Afghanistan and Pakistan Regional Stabilization Strategy, Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan January 2010. “The Afghan government is under assault from the Taliban and struggling to provide security, jobs, and basic justice to a society devastated by 30 years of war. Across the border, the Pakistani people are victim to regular suicide… Continue Reading

CRS Reports: Haitian Migrants and Haiti Earthquake

U.S. Immigration Policy on Haitian Migrants, January 15, 2010:” The environmental, social, and political conditions in Haiti have long prompted congressional interest in U.S. policy on Haitian migrants, particularly those attempting to reach the United States by boat. While some observers assert that such arrivals by Haitians are a breach in border security, others maintain… Continue Reading