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Monthly Archives: January 2010

Update on Bisphenol A for Use in Food Contact Applications: January 2010

Follow up to previous postings on toxicological impact of Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure, this FDA Update on Bisphenol A for Use in Food Contact Applications: January 2010 “At this interim stage, FDA shares the perspective of the National Toxicology Program that recent studies provide reason for some concern about the potential effects of BPA on… Continue Reading

Haiti Earthquake: FTC Warns Consumers to Give Wisely

News release: “In the wake of the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti, the Federal Trade Commission warns consumers to choose carefully when considering urgent appeals for aid in the news, online, and at social networking sites. The best way to provide immediate help is to donate money directly to established national relief organizations… Continue Reading

Pew Survey: Blacks Upbeat about Black Progress, Prospects A Year After Obama's Election

A Year After Obama’s Election Blacks Upbeat about Black Progress, Prospects, January 12, 2010 “Despite the bad economy, blacks’ assessments about the state of black progress in America have improved more dramatically during the past two years than at any time in the past quarter century, according to a comprehensive new nationwide Pew Research Center… Continue Reading

Sustainability Report 2009 – European Economy

European Economy Sustainability report 2009 “The European economy is showing signs of entering a phase of recovery after a deep crisis. Thanks to effective and substantive policy action since autumn 2008, coordinated in the context of the European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP), a financial meltdown and a generalised loss of confidence has been avoided. However,… Continue Reading

DOD Releases Report: Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood

News release: “The shooting spree allegedly perpetrated by a self-radicalized soldier of Muslim faith has revealed shortcomings in the Defense Department’s ability to counter dangerous outside influences on the military, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today. Gates disclosed this and several other key findings of a broad review he ordered after Army Maj. Nidal… Continue Reading

BLS: Consumer Price Index, December 2009

Consumer Price Index – December 2009: On a seasonally adjusted basis, the December Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the index increased 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment. The seasonally adjusted increase in the all items index was… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Space System Requirements, DOE, Tax Gap

Briefing on Commercial and Department of Defense Space System Requirements and Acquisition Practices, GAO-10-315R, January 14, 2010 Department of Energy: Actions Needed to Develop High-Quality Cost Estimates for Construction and Environmental Cleanup Projects, GAO-10-199, January 14, 2010 Tax Gap: Actions Needed to Address Noncompliance with S Corporation Tax Rules, GAO-10-195, December 15, 2009 Continue Reading

CBO: Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in 2010 and 2011

Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in 2010 and 2011 – January 2010 “After the most severe recession since the 1930s, the U.S. economy appears to be recovering. Real (inflation adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) grew during the third quarter of 2009, after having fallen 3.7 percent since the recession began in the fourth… Continue Reading