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Daily Archives: December 25, 2009

Digital Rosetta Stone – memory chip with a 1,000-year expiration date

Forbes: “If people can read this story a millennium from now, they may have Tadahiro Kuroda to thank. Kuroda, an electrical engineering professor at Keio University in Japan, has invented what he calls a “Digital Rosetta Stone,” a wireless memory chip sealed in silicon that he says can store data for 1,000 years. As technology… Continue Reading

Eyeglasses For The Poor

Forbes: Eyeglasses are as old as the Renaissance, but even now we still need trained professionals to fit them. That’s no problem for the Western world, which has around one optometrist for roughly every 10,000 people. But it’s a nightmare for developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, there’s only one optometrist for around 1… Continue Reading

Census – The Foreign-Born Labor Force in the United States: 2007

The Foreign-Born Labor Force in the United States: 2007 – “Economic opportunity is a primary attraction for many immigrants to the United States. In 2007, labor force participation among the foreign born was higher than that among natives. Foreign born workers have historically made up a sizeable part of the labor force. Today, there are… Continue Reading