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Monthly Archives: October 2009

HUD OIG Report on FHA Lender Approval Process

HUD Inspector General report – Controls over FHA single-family lender approval process need improvement, issued September 30, 2009 “Finding 1: FHA’s Lender Approval Process Did Not Ensure That Only Eligible Applicants Were Approved. FHA’s lender application process was not adequate to ensure that all of its lender approval requirements were met. This condition occurred because… Continue Reading

Archive-It service allows institutions to build and preserve collections of born digital content

“Archive-It, a subscription service from the Internet Archive, allows institutions to build and preserve collections of born digital content. Through our user-friendly web application, Archive-It partners can harvest, catalog, manage, and browse their archived collections. Collections are hosted at the Internet Archive data center and are accessible to the public with full-text search…As of October… Continue Reading

New Book Available Online – Search User Interfaces

Search User Interfaces by Marti A. Hearst [the author, with permission of Cambridge University Press, has placed the full text online free of charge. See the terms of service]: “This book focuses on the human users of search engines and the tool they use to interact with them: the search user interface. The truly worldwide… Continue Reading

New DHS OIG Reports: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, DHS Security Expenditure Plan, Coast Guard's Program for Identifying High Interest Vessels

OIG-09-108 – Review of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Expenditure Plan (PDF, 16 pages) OIG-09-107 – The United States Coast Guard’s Program for Identifying High Interest Vessels (PDF, 20 pages) OIG-09-109 – Evaluation of DHS’ Information Security Program for Fiscal Year (Redacted) (PDF, 45 pages) OIG-09-106 – Review of Department of Homeland Security’s Expenditure Plan: Department… Continue Reading

Foreclosure to Homelessness 2009: the Forgotten Victims of the Subprime Crisis

The National Coalition for the Homeless, Foreclosure to Homelessness 2009: the Forgotten Victims of the Subprime Crisis. A joint report from the National Coalition for the Homeless,the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, the National Law Center… Continue Reading

Book Review: Who's in Big Brother's Database?

Who’s in Big Brother’s Database? By James Bamford – A review of The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency by Matthew M. Aid. “On a remote edge of Utah’s dry and arid high desert, where temperatures often zoom past 100 degrees, hard-hatted construction workers with top-secret clearances are preparing to build… Continue Reading

Hildebrandt 2009 Law Department Survey

News release: “Hildebrandt announced the release of its 2009 Law Department Survey (fee only). The 2009 Survey achieved an all-time high in participation, reflecting the strong interest of General Counsel and law department managers in benchmarking with peer organizations. This year, the Hildebrandt Survey included 231 participants representing 21 industries and 22% of the companies… Continue Reading