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Monthly Archives: October 2009

CBO: Subsidizing Infrastructure Investment with Tax-Preferred Bonds

Subsidizing Infrastructure Investment with Tax-Preferred Bonds, October 2009 “To inform the Congress in its deliberations about federal infrastructure policy, this study assesses the role of tax preferences in infrastructure investment in the United States. It discusses the types of tax preferences for state and local bonds, reports the amount of such debt that has been… Continue Reading

President Obama Signs Emergency Declaration for H1N1 Flu

October 24, 2009 – President Obama Signs Emergency Declaration for H1N1 Flu: “Section 1135 of the Social Security Act [42 USC §1320b–5] permits the Secretary of Health and Human Services to waive certain regulatory requirements for healthcare facilities in response to emergencies. Two conditions must be met for the Secretary to be able to issue… Continue Reading

Financial Services Committee Approves Creation of Consumer Financial Protection Agency

CQ Staff: “The House Financial Services Committee approved creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), marking a big win for many Democrats and consumer advocates. The measure (HR 3126) — a central piece of the Obama administration’s financial overhaul plan — would create a new federal regulator with broad powers to police large swaths… Continue Reading

Where the Jobs Are 2009: Mission-Critical Opportunities for America

Partnership for Public Service Report: “Where the Jobs Are is the only comprehensive projection of hiring needs for critical occupations in the federal government. This edition is the third in an ongoing series produced by the Partnership for Public Service, covering fiscal years 2010 through 2012, and updating information in the 2005 and 2007 reports.” Continue Reading

Union of Concerned Scientists – Nuclear Power: A Resurgence We Can't Afford

“Nuclear power could play a role in reducing global warming emissions because reactors emit almost no carbon while they operate and can have low life-cycle emissions. Partly for that reason, advocates are calling for a nationwide investment in at least 100 new nuclear reactors, backed by greatly expanded federal loan guarantees. However, the industry must… Continue Reading

USAToday: Census gets new interactive website

“The agency’s new website went up this week and, when it is officially launched Monday will give people a chance to do the questioning. The heavily interactive site, part of the government’s $326 million marketing push to promote the 2010 Census, is more whimsical than most government online portals. It’s colorful. It has sound,… Continue Reading

Privacy Coalition Seeks Investigation of DHS Chief Privacy Office

“EPIC joined the Privacy Coalition letter sent to the House Committee on Homeland Security urging them to investigate the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Chief Privacy Office. DHS is unrivaled in its authority to develop and deploy new systems of surveillance. The letter cited DHS use of Fusion Center, Whole Body Imaging, funding of CCTV… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Defense Critical Infrastructure, Climate Change Adaptation, First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit

Defense Critical Infrastructure: Actions Needed to Improve the Identification and Management of Electrical Power Risks and Vulnerabilities to DOD Critical Assets, GAO-10-147, October 23, 2009 Climate Change Adaptation: Strategic Federal Planning Could Help Officials Make More Informed Decisions, GAO-10-175T, October 22, 2009 First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit: Taxpayers’ Use of the Credit and Implementation and Compliance… Continue Reading