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Monthly Archives: September 2009

CDT Urges Privacy Requirements Be Included in Google Books Settlement

“CDT filed a “friend of the court” brief in the Southern District of New York [September 4, 2009] requesting that key privacy requirements be included in the Court’s approval of the class-action settlement that would dramatically expand Google Book Search. CDT previously released a report in July analyzing the privacy implications of this settlement and… Continue Reading

Measuring the Effects of the Business Cycle on the Federal Budget: An Update

Measuring the Effects of the Business Cycle on the Federal Budget: An Update, September 1, 2009 Under CBO’s assumptions for its baseline, the cyclically adjusted budget deficit will rise sharply in 2009, to 8.6 percent of potential gross domestic product (GDP) (from 2.7 percent in 2008). Potential GDP is the amount of output that corresponds… Continue Reading

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization: The 2009 Annual Revision

September 2, 2009: “A Federal Reserve Bulletin article, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization: The 2009 Annual Revision article reviews the 2009 annual revision to the index of industrial production (IP) and the related measures of capacity and capacity utilization. It discusses both the changes in estimation methods introduced in the revision and the revised estimates… Continue Reading

Annual Institute for Policy Studies "Executive Excess" Report

America’s Bailout Barons – Taxpayers, High Finance, and the CEO Pay Bubble. Institute for Policy Studies. 16th Annual Executive Compensation. “The 20 U.S. financial firms that have received the most bailout dollars from taxpayers awarded their top five executive officers, in the three years through 2008, pay packages worth a combined $3.2 billion. These 100… Continue Reading

CRS: United States expanded role as world's leading weapons supplier

New York Times – U.S. Increases Its Share of Worldwide Arms Market: “Despite a recession that knocked down global arms sales last year, the United States expanded its role as the world’s leading weapons supplier, increasing its share to more than two-thirds of all foreign armaments deals, according to a new Congressional study [“Conventional Arms… Continue Reading

The Economic Crisis Hits Home: The Unfolding Increase In Child and Youth Homelessness

“The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth(NAEHCY) is the voice and social conscience for the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. NAEHCY accomplishes this through advocacy, partnerships, and education.” Report: The Economic Crisis Hits Home: The Unfolding Increase In Child and Youth Homelessness Related postings on financial system Continue Reading

National September 11 Memorial & Museum

“The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is a private not-for-profit (501c3), responsible for oversight of the design, raising the necessary funds, programming and operating the Memorial & Museum being built at the World Trade Center site.” New York Times: Sept. 11 Steel Forms Heart of Far-Flung Memorials: “The best way we can honor the… Continue Reading