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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Treasury Issues Status Report on Financial Stabilization Efforts

News release: “The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday issued a report describing the next phase of the government’s financial stabilization and rehabilitation policies to provide the public with a status update on these programs and an explanation of the Administration’s strategy going forward.” The Next Phase of Government Financial Stabilization and Rehabilitation Policies, September 2009… Continue Reading

Recent CRS Reports: Pension Sponsorship and Participation, Electric Power Storage, Access to Government Info, Energy and Water Development

September 11, 2009 – Pension Sponsorship and Participation: Summary of Recent Trends September 08, 2009 – Electric Power Storage August 31, 2009 – Access to Government Information In the United States August 27, 2009 – FY2010 National Defense Authorization Act: Selected Military Personnel Policy Issues August 27, 2009 – Mexico’s Free Trade Agreements August 26,… Continue Reading

Electric Power Monthly and U.S. Natural Gas Imports & Exports

Electric Power Monthly (09/11/2009): “The latest EPM issue (September 2009) is now available on EIA’s Data being published in the September 2009 EPM include June 2009 data. Historical copies of the EPM tables in Excel format have also been posted on the EIA website, dating back to the May 2003 publication of the EPM.… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Combating Nuclear Terrorism, Medicaid Preventive Services, Royalty-In-Kind Program

Combating Nuclear Terrorism: Preliminary Observations on Preparedness to Recover from Possible Attacks Using Radiological or Nuclear Materials, GAO-09-996T, September 14, 2009 Medicaid Preventive Services: Concerted Efforts Needed to Ensure, GAO-09-578, August 14, 2009 Royalty-In-Kind Program: MMS Does Not Provide Reasonable Assurance It Receives Its Share of Gas, Resulting in Millions in Forgone Revenue, GAO-09-744, August… Continue Reading

Bank for International Settlements Quarterly Review, September 2009

Quarterly Review, September 2009 14 September 2009 and Summary tables (PDF, 12 pages) as well as Detailed tables (PDF, 117 pages) News release: “The BIS Quarterly Review released today is divided into two parts. The first presents an overview of recent developments in financial markets, before turning in more detail to highlights from the latest… Continue Reading

BIS Essay: Integrating financial stability: new models for a new challenge

Integrating financial stability: new models for a new challenge, by Stephen G Cecchetti, Piti Disyatat and Marion Kohler, 14 September 2009. This essay was prepared for the joint BIS-ECB Workshop on “Monetary policy and financial stability”, Basel, Switzerland, 10-11 September 2009. “Reflecting on the financial crisis that is not yet over, it is natural to… Continue Reading

Global Terrorism Database – Information on Over 80,000 Terrorist Attacks

“The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2007 (with annual updates planned for the future). Unlike many other event databases, the GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as transnational and international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period… Continue Reading

UK Guardian Survey: Full and part-time directors of FTSE 100 shared between them more than £1bn

“Executives at Britain’s top companies saw their basic salaries leap 10% last year, despite the onset of the worst global recession in decades, in which their companies lost almost a third of their value amid a record decline in the FTSE. The Guardian’s annual survey of boardroom pay reveals that the full- and part-time directors… Continue Reading

New on Legal Implications of Cloud Computing – Part One (the Basics and Framing the Issues)

Legal Implications of Cloud Computing – Part One (the Basics and Framing the Issues) – Attorney David Navetta contends that there there will be significant financial pressure on organizations to take advantage of the pricing and efficiency of cloud computing, and if attorneys fail to understand the issues ahead of time there is a serious… Continue Reading