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Daily Archives: September 29, 2009

Survey: Two-Thirds of Americans Object to Online Tracking

New York Times: “About two-thirds of Americans object to online tracking by advertisers — and that number rises once they learn the different ways marketers are following their online movements, according to a new survey from professors at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, Berkeley.”

  • Contrary to what marketers say, Americans Reject Tailored Advertising and the activities that enable it. Joseph Turow, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, et al.September 2009.
  • Global Financial System Shows Signs of Recovery, IMF Says

    News release: “Risks to the global financial system have subsided as a result of unprecedented policy actions and, more recently, a nascent global economic recovery, according to the IMF’s latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). But the semiannual report, released on September 30, cautions that the road to financial rehabilitation is unlikely to be straight… Continue Reading

    CDC – The State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetable, 2009

    News release: “No U.S. state is meeting national objectives for consumption of fruits and vegetables, according to the first report to provide state–by–state data about fruit and vegetable consumption and policies that may help Americans eat more fruits and vegetables. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables, 2009 was released today by the Centers for… Continue Reading

    New GAO Reports: Crime Victims' Rights Act, Debt Management, Federal Contracting, Combating Terrorism

    Crime Victims’ Rights Act: Increasing Victim Awareness and Clarifying Applicability to the District of Columbia Will Improve Implementation of the Act, GAO-09-1024T, September 29, 2009 Debt Management: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities Should Play a Heightened Role in Addressing Debt Management Challenges, GAO-09-932, September 29, 2009 Federal Contracting: Observations on the Government’s Contracting Data Systems, GAO-09-1032T,… Continue Reading

    FHFA Refinance Report Underscores Impact of Interest Rates on Refinance Volumes

    News release and report: “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refinanced more than 3.2 million mortgage loans in 2009 through August of this year. In the month of August alone, nearly 360,000 mortgages were refinanced. The numbers were announced today by Edward J. DeMarco, Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), in its monthly… Continue Reading

    Ice-dependent Arctic Seals Advance Toward Endangered Species Act Protection

    News release: “A federal judge on Friday approved a settlement between the Center for Biological Diversity and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration requiring the agency to decide whether ice-dependent ringed, bearded, and spotted seals deserve legal protection under the Endangered Species Act. Under the settlement, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration must make a… Continue Reading

    BJS: Contract Bench and Jury Trials in State Courts, 2005

    Contract Bench and Jury Trials in State Courts, 2005: “Presents findings on contract cases disposed of by a bench or jury trial in a nationally representative sample of jurisdictions in 2005. Topics in the report include the types of cases that proceed to trial, differences between the types of cases decided by judges or juries,… Continue Reading

    Pew : Quantifying the Effects on Lending of Increased Capital Requirements

    Pew Financial Reform Project Briefing Paper# 7 – Quantifying the cost on lending of increased capital requirements, Douglas J. Elliott. “The analysis presented here strongly suggests that the U.S. banking industry could adjust to higher capital requirements on loans through a combination of actions that would not wreak havoc on the system. Not surprisingly, the… Continue Reading

    HHS OIG: Review of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Formula Allocations

    Review of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Formula Allocations, September 24, 2009, Audit Report No.: 2009-FO-0006 “We performed an audit of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) formula-based allocations related to five programs funded in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) to satisfy the Recovery Act mandate that… Continue Reading