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Daily Archives: September 12, 2009

Clean Water Act Violations: The Enforcement Record

New York Times: Clean Water Laws Are Neglected, at a Cost to Health

“Across the nation, the system that Congress created to protect the nation’s waters under the Clean Water Act of 1972 today often fails to prevent pollution. The New York Times has compiled data on more than 200,000 facilities that have permits to discharge pollutants and collected responses from states regarding compliance. Information about facilities contained in this database comes from two sources: the Environmental Protection Agency and the California State Water Resources Control Board. The database does not contain information submitted by the states.”

“The New York Times surveyed violations of the Clean Water Act in every state, and the response by state regulators…Figures were compiled by asking states to verify data initially provided by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Any time officials disputed the data, they were asked to provide alternative figures, which were substituted. New Mexico, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Idaho and the District of Columbia were not delegated enforcement of the Clean Water Act. Figures for those states are from the E.P.A. Georgia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Mississippi disputed the E.P.A. figures but did not provide alternative information.”

  • Find Toxic Polluters Near You – Search by city or zip code:: “The New York Times requested information on Clean Water Act permits, violations and enforcement actions from all 50 states. Additionally, The Times requested data on states’ staffing and budgets for oversight of water pollution. The Times is making available for download files sent by 39 states in response to those requests. In some cases, The Times has changed file formats and has also made some PDF files more readable by rotating their pages. Otherwise the files are presented as they were received.”
  • Online Opinions by Lawyers Via Tweets and Blogs Can Have Serious Ramifications

    New York Times – A Legal Battle: Online Attitude vs. Rules of the Bar: “And with thousands of blogs and so many lawyers online, legal ethics experts say that collisions between the freewheeling ways of the Internet and the tight boundaries of legal discourse are inevitable — whether they result in damaged careers or simply… Continue Reading

    EPA: New Limits on Pesticide Uses Will Protect Salmon

    News release: “EPA has announced plans to place additional limitations on the use of three organophosphate pesticides — chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion — to protect endangered and threatened salmon and steelhead in California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Anticipated changes to product labels include the addition of pesticide buffer zones; application limitations based on wind speed,… Continue Reading

    Insurance Insecurity: Families Are Losing Employer-Sponsored Insurance Coverage

    News release: “HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius…address[ed] the University of Chicago’s dialogue on health care reform and education and issue a new report on the employer-sponsored insurance market. The new report, Insurance Insecurity: Families Are Losing Employer-Sponsored Insurance Coverage, highlights problems in the status quo that have left Americans who receive health insurance from an employer… Continue Reading

    The relationship between public libraries and Google: Too much information

    The relationship between public libraries and Google: Too much information, by Vivienne Waller. First Monday, Volume 14, Number 9 – 7 September 2009 “This article explores the implications of a shift from public to private provision of information through focusing on the relationship between Google and public libraries. This relationship has sparked controversy, with concerns… Continue Reading