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Monthly Archives: August 2009

U.S. Discloses Terms of Agreement with Swiss Government Regarding UBS

News release: “The Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today announced that the agreement with the Swiss government has been finalized. As a result of the agreement, the United States will receive substantially all of the accounts of interest [4,500] when it initiated the John Doe summons against UBS on June 30, 2008.… Continue Reading

US Courts – Internet Materials in Opinions: Citations and Hyperlinking

The Third Branch: “The Judicial Conference has issued a series of “suggested practices” to assist courts in the use of Internet materials in opinions. The recommendations follow a pilot project conducted by circuit librarians who captured and preserved webpages cited in opinions over a six-month period…The guidelines suggest that, if a webpage is cited, chambers… Continue Reading

Social Media at CDC

“Since April 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have been working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools that provide information about the ongoing 2009 novel influenza A (H1N1) outbreak. Widgets, mobile information, online videos and other tools reinforce… Continue Reading

UK Work Foundation Report – Quality people management for quality outcomes

Quality people management for quality outcomes: The Future of HR review of evidence on people management. Prepared by Wilson Wong, Alexandra Albert, Marianne Huggett and Jane Sullivan, August 2009 “People management is now as important a contributor to organisational success as marketing, finance, or sales – yet HR suffers from a lack of self-confidence, undervaluation… Continue Reading

USDA Study Finds Rural Communities Benefit From Greater Broadband Internet Access

News release: “A new USDA economic analysis has found that rural communities with greater broadband Internet access had greater economic growth than areas with less access. The study, Broadband Internet’s Value for Rural America by economists at USDA’s Economic Research Service, compared counties that had broadband access relatively early – by 2000 – with similarly… Continue Reading

Report: Despite the Recession, Many High Potential Employees Jump Ship

News release: “High potential employees aren’t afraid to strike out for greater opportunities despite the continuing recession, according to a study of how the best and brightest of high potential talent have weathered the global recession over the past 18 months. The report released by Catalyst, Opportunity or Setback? High Potential Women and Men During… Continue Reading

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Proclaims August 23-29 as National Community Gardening Week

News release: “Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today encouraged Americans to connect with the land, the food it grows and their local communities by proclaiming August 23-29, National Community Gardening Week. A community garden is an opportunity to educate everyone about from where food comes, whether that is a Farmers Market or a garden, and is… Continue Reading