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Monthly Archives: August 2009

Newly Declassified CIA Histories on Wars in Indochina

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 283: “The Central Intelligence Agency participated in every aspect of the wars in Indochina, political and military, according to newly declassified CIA histories. The six volumes of formerly secret histories (the Agency’s belated response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by National Security Archive senior fellow… Continue Reading

Cash for Clunkers Wraps up with Nearly 700,000 car sales and increased fuel efficiency

News release: “The CARS program came to a close Tuesday night with nearly 700,000 clunkers taken off the roads, replaced by far more fuel efficient vehicles. Rebate applications worth $2.877 billion were submitted by the 8 p.m. deadline, under the $3 billion provided by Congress to run the program. Cars made in America topped the… Continue Reading

FDIC Board Approves Final Statement of Policy on the Acquisition of Failed Depository Institutions

News release: “The FDIC Board today adopted a final Statement of Policy on the Acquisition of Failed Insured Depository Institutions. This policy statement provides guidance to investors interested in acquiring or investing in the deposit liabilities of failed banks or thrifts about the standards they will be expected to meet in order to qualify to… Continue Reading

Edward M. Kennedy, Senate Stalwart – Graphics, Video and Remembrances

New York Times: “Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew acclaim and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night. He was… Continue Reading

Global Warming Bringing More Extreme Heat Waves

Global Warming Bringing More Extreme Heat Waves – More Extremely Hot Days Projected – 30 Large Cities Especially Vulnerable, Published August 25, 2009: “More extremely hot summer days are projected for every part of the country, detailed in a new report from the National Wildlife Federation and Physicians for Social Responsibility. To explain the bigger… Continue Reading

CBO – The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update

The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update 2009 Budget Projections (pdf) Economic Projections (pdf) Economic Projections (xls) Data for Figures 2-1, 2-10, 2-12 (xls) Comparison of CBO’s Baseline and OMB’s Mid-Session Review (pdf) Details of CBO’s Year-by-Year Forecast and Projections for Calendar Years 2009 to 2019 (Along with data for 1950 to 2006) (xls) Key… Continue Reading

Side-by-side Comparison of the Bush and Obama Administration Releases on Torture

News release: “Today, the National Security Archive posted a side-by-side comparison of two very different versions of a 2004 report on the CIA’s “Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities” by Agency Inspector General John Helgerson. Yesterday, the Obama administration released new portions of the report including considerably more information about the use of torture and other… Continue Reading

Mid-Session Review, Budget of the U.S. Government – Fiscal Year 2010

Mid-Session Review Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2010. Office of Management and Budget: “When the President took office, the Nation was experiencing the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression. This decline was not simply the result of a normal downturn in the business cycle; also contributing to it were irresponsible… Continue Reading

NIST Guidelines recommends best practices for next generation of portable biometric acquisition devices

“A new publication that recommends best practices for the next generation of portable biometric acquisition devices—Mobile ID—has been published by Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Devices that gather, process and transmit an individual’s biometric data—fingerprints, facial and iris images—for identification are proliferating. Previous work on standards for these biometric devices has focused… Continue Reading

CCR, Amnesty and NYU Receive Docs Cheney Wanted Declassified to Justify Torture

News release: “The [redacted] documents [below] were released through FOIA litigation by the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International USA, and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University School of Law seeking disclosure of information concerning “disappeared” detainees, including “ghost” and unregistered prisoners. The original FOIA requests were filed with… Continue Reading