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Daily Archives: August 29, 2009

Putting Work to Bed: Stressful Experiences on the Job and Sleep Quality

Putting Work to Bed: Stressful Experiences on the Job and Sleep Quality. Burgard, Sarah, and Jennifer Ailshire. 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-652. July 2008.

  • Most adults spend one third of every day sleeping and another third of most days at work. However, there is little analysis of the possible connections between common workplace experiences and sleep quality. This study uses the nationally-representative American’s Changing Lives study, a prospective sample of U.S. adults, to examine whether and how common conditions and experiences at work may “follow workers home” and impinge on their quality of sleep. We also explore how competing stressful experiences at home may influence sleep quality, and whether these are more relevant than work experiences. Results from longitudinal logistic regression and fixed and random effects models show that frequently being bothered or upset at work is associated with changes toward poorer sleep quality, and the association is not explained by stressful experiences at home. These new findings are discussed in relation to the sociological literatures on stress and emotion.
  • Perceived Job Insecurity and Worker Health in the United States

    Perceived Job Insecurity and Worker Health in the United States. Burgard, Sarah, Jennie Brand, and James S. House. 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-650. July 2008. “Economic recessions, the industrial shift from manufacturing toward service industries, and rising global competition have contributed to declining optimism about job security, with potential consequences for workers’ health. To… Continue Reading

    International Atomic Energy Agency: Safeguards Reports on Iran and Syria Circulated

    International Atomic Energy Agency: IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has circulated his latest reports on nuclear safeguards in Iran and Syria to Member States. The report outlines developments since the Director General´s report of 5 June 2009. The reports are entitled Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of Security Council Resolutions 1737… Continue Reading