Putting Work to Bed: Stressful Experiences on the Job and Sleep Quality. Burgard, Sarah, and Jennifer Ailshire. 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-652. July 2008.
Putting Work to Bed: Stressful Experiences on the Job and Sleep Quality. Burgard, Sarah, and Jennifer Ailshire. 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-652. July 2008.
Perceived Job Insecurity and Worker Health in the United States. Burgard, Sarah, Jennie Brand, and James S. House. 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-650. July 2008. “Economic recessions, the industrial shift from manufacturing toward service industries, and rising global competition have contributed to declining optimism about job security, with potential consequences for workers health. To… Continue Reading
Teens and Mobile Phones Over the Past Five Years: Pew Internet Looks Back, by Amanda Lenhart: “Teenagers have previously lagged behind adults in their ownership of cell phones, but several years of survey data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project show that those ages 12-17 are closing the gap in cell phone… Continue Reading
International Atomic Energy Agency: IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has circulated his latest reports on nuclear safeguards in Iran and Syria to Member States. The report outlines developments since the Director General´s report of 5 June 2009. The reports are entitled Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of Security Council Resolutions 1737… Continue Reading
Four crucial resources that may run out in your lifetime, by Loz Blain: “We’re living in lucky times. Living standards – in the Western world, at least – are the highest in history. It’s an era of relative peace and plenty that would amaze our ancestors. But it’s not going to continue forever; we’re already… Continue Reading