Alcohol-Impaired Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes, by Gender and State, 2007-2008. August 2009
Alcohol-Impaired Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes, by Gender and State, 2007-2008. August 2009
“Launched in June, iAWFUL identifies America’s 10 worst legislative and regulatory proposals targeted at the Internet. The iAWFUL Web site urges Internet users to join the fight to fix or fight against bills that threaten the future of online commerce and communication. The list is regularly updated to reflect the most immediate dangers, based on… Continue Reading
News release: “The Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today announced that the agreement with the Swiss government has been finalized. As a result of the agreement, the United States will receive substantially all of the accounts of interest [4,500] when it initiated the John Doe summons against UBS on June 30, 2008.… Continue Reading
Teens and Mobile Phones Over the Past Five Years: Pew Internet Looks Back, August 2009: “Teenagers have previously lagged behind adults in their ownership of cell phones, but several years of survey data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project show that those ages 12-17 are closing the gap in cell phone ownership.… Continue Reading
“The Treasury Department today released U.S. reserve assets data for the latest week. As indicated in this table, U.S. reserve assets totaled $81,727 million as of the end of that week, compared to $82,631 million as of the end of the prior week.” Related postings on financial system Continue Reading
Teacher Preparation: Multiple Federal Education Offices Support Teacher Preparation for Instructing Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners, but Systematic Departmentwide Coordination Could Enhance This Assistance, GAO-09-573, July 20, 2009 Continue Reading
The Third Branch: “The Judicial Conference has issued a series of suggested practices to assist courts in the use of Internet materials in opinions. The recommendations follow a pilot project conducted by circuit librarians who captured and preserved webpages cited in opinions over a six-month period…The guidelines suggest that, if a webpage is cited, chambers… Continue Reading
Royal Pingdom: URL shortener speed and reliability shootout – “The services included in this test are:, TinyURL,,,, Snipurl,, and Twurl.” Continue Reading
“Since April 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have been working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools that provide information about the ongoing 2009 novel influenza A (H1N1) outbreak. Widgets, mobile information, online videos and other tools reinforce… Continue Reading
NHS Health and Well-being Review Interim Report, August 2009: “This review highlights that the NHS loses over 10 million working days each year due to sickness absence alone. It also highlights that many NHS workers are working when they feel unwell. It shows for the first time clear links between workforce well-being and key measures… Continue Reading
Quality people management for quality outcomes: The Future of HR review of evidence on people management. Prepared by Wilson Wong, Alexandra Albert, Marianne Huggett and Jane Sullivan, August 2009 “People management is now as important a contributor to organisational success as marketing, finance, or sales yet HR suffers from a lack of self-confidence, undervaluation… Continue Reading