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Daily Archives: August 17, 2009

Rebuilding America – A National Policy Framework for Investment in Energy Efficiency Retrofits

Rebuilding America – A National Policy Framework for Investment in Energy Efficiency Retrofits – Bracken Hendricks and Benjamin Goldstein, Center for American Progress – Reid Detchon and Kurt Shickman, Energy Future Coalition, August 2009.

  • “This report is a detailed examination of how the United States can build a low-carbon economy by harnessing energy efficiency as our “first fuel.” By retrofitting existing homes and businesses, we can cost-effectively reduce end-use waste and pollution, and at the same time jump start an economic recovery, create good jobs, and give consumers real energy cost savings—even as we ensure a safer, healthier, and more secure future by combating global warming. This report sets a goal of developing an energy efficiency industry that will retrofit 40 percent of our nation’s building stock, or 50 million buildings, within the next 10 years. This project would require over $500 billion in public and private investment, and create approximately 625,000 sustained full-time jobs directly and indirectly throughout the decade. Rebuilding America’s buildings for energy efficiency will reduce energy use, household bills, and global warming pollution by 20 to 40 percent for 50 million homes and small businesses, all while generating $32 billion to $64 billion in annual consumer energy cost savings.”
  • Related postings on climate change
  • DOE IG: Protection of the Department of Energy's Unclassified Sensitive Electronic Information

    Audit Report, Protection of the Department of Energy’s Unclassified Sensitive Electronic Information – DOE/IG-0818 August 2009: “The Department of Energy and its contractors store and process massive quantities of sensitive information to accomplish national security, energy, science, and environmental missions. Sensitive unclassified data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), official use only, and unclassified controlled… Continue Reading

    July 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices

    Federal Reserve Board – The July 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices: “The July 2009 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices addressed changes in the supply of, and demand for, loans to businesses and households over the past three months. The survey also included two sets of special… Continue Reading

    Alleged International Hacker Indicted for Massive Attack on U.S. Retail and Banking Networks

    News release: “Albert Gonzalez, 28, of Miami, Fla., was indicted today for conspiring to hack into computer networks supporting major American retail and financial organizations, and stealing data relating to more than 130 million credit and debit cards, announced Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division Lanny A. Breuer, Acting U.S. Attorney for the District… Continue Reading

    Individual Account Retirement Plans: An Analysis of the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances, With Market Adjustments to June 2009

    Individual Account Retirement Plans: An Analysis of the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances, With Market Adjustments to June 2009 – August 2009 Employee Benefit Research Institute Issue Brief #333 “LATEST SCF DATA: This Issue Brief assesses the current status of Americans’ savings for retirement by examining the incidence of individual account plans among families, as… Continue Reading

    Federal Reserve and Treasury announce extension to Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility

    News releases: “The Federal Reserve Board and the Treasury Department on Monday announced that they approved an extension to the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) and that, at this time, they do not anticipate any further additions to the types of collateral that are eligible for the facility. Conditions in financial markets have improved… Continue Reading Mortgage Loan Delinquency Rates Rise – But Pace Is Slowing

    “ released today the results of its analysis of trends in the mortgage industry for the second quarter of 2009 and the associated impact on the U.S. consumer. The report is part of an ongoing series of quarterly consumer lending sector analyses focusing on credit card, auto loan and mortgage data…Information for this analysis is… Continue Reading

    Survey: Effect of the Economic Crisis on HR Programs

    Effect of the Economic Crisis on HR Programs – Update: August 2009 “In August 2009, Watson Wyatt continued our ongoing research on the economic crisis by surveying HR executives at 175 U.S.-based companies to understand what adjustments they are making to their HR programs (e.g., staffing, pay, benefits) in response to the economic downturn. This… Continue Reading

    Federal Reserve Board Final Rules Amending Regulation Z

    “The Board is publishing final rules amending Regulation Z, which implements the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) following the passage of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). Title X of the HEOA amends TILA by adding disclosure and timing requirements that apply to creditors making private education loans, which are defined as loans made for… Continue Reading

    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions for Foreign Species

    News release: “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Proposal to List Seven Foreign Bird Species as Endangered under Endangered Species Act” Federal Register, August 12, 2009: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions for Foreign Species; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions – Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.… Continue Reading

    EBRI Databook on Employee Benefits

    Employee Benefit Research Institute Databook on Employee Benefits, updated August 2009: “The EBRI Databook on Employee Benefits includes data from dozens of sources to provide a comprehensive analysis of how the employee benefits system works, who and what its various functions affect, and its relationship with the U.S. economy…The book is organized into four sections… Continue Reading