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Daily Archives: August 10, 2009

WSJ: Justice O'Connor's Many Activities

WSJ: Justice O’Connor’s continuing judicial work [as a substitute judge, Justice O’Connor has heard nearly 80 cases and written more than a dozen opinions] comes in addition to many other activities, from ceremonial functions — such as serving as grand marshal of the Rose Parade in Pasadena, Calif., and as chancellor of the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va. — to serious assignments, including the Iraq Study Group that proposed an exit strategy for U.S. forces and panels reviewing policy for the national parks, the U.S. position toward the International Criminal Court and ways to promote research into Alzheimer’s disease, which afflicts her husband, John. Justice O’Connor also lectures at law schools, dedicated her old Arizona home as a new center called the O’Connor House for Public Discourse and spearheaded Georgetown Law School’s Sandra Day O’Connor Project on the State of the Judiciary. She’s written a children’s book and pioneered a Web site intended to teach youngsters about the judiciary…”

New GAO Report Released on International Trade

International Trade: Four Free Trade Agreements GAO Reviewed Have Resulted in Commercial Benefits, but Challenges on Labor and Environment Remain, GAO-09-439, July 10, 2009 “Since 2001, Congress has approved free trade agreements (FTA) with 14 countries. Most were negotiated under Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which aims to lower trade barriers while strengthening the capacity of… Continue Reading

North American Leaders' Declaration on Climate Change and Clean Energy

North American Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change and Clean Energy, August 10, 2009 “We, the leaders of North America reaffirm the urgency and necessity of taking aggressive action on climate change. We stress that the experience developed during the last 15 years in the North American region on environmental cooperation, sustainable development, and clean energy… Continue Reading

Hearst Newspapers Investigative Report: Within health care hides massive, avoidable death toll

Dead by Mistake: “Experts estimate that a staggering 98,000 people die from preventable medical errors each year. More Americans die each month of preventable medical injuries than died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. In addition, a federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study concluded that 99,000 patients a year succumb to… Continue Reading

Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures

News release: “The Federal Reserve Board on Monday published its annual adjustment of the dollar amount of fees that triggers additional disclosure requirements under the Truth in Lending Act for home mortgage loans that bear rates or fees above a certain amount. The dollar amount of the fee-based trigger has been adjusted to $579 for… Continue Reading

NY AG Orders Auto Dealers Across New York To Stop Deceptive Ads For Federal "Cash For Clunkers" Program

News release: “Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that his office has issued cease-and-desist letters to nearly 40 auto dealers across New York state whose advertisements for the new federal Car Allowance Rebate System (“CARS” or “Cash for Clunkers”) were misleading and deceptive. The Attorney General’s Office took the action after reviewing a number… Continue Reading

Europe’s Digital Competitiveness Report Main achievements of the i2010 strategy 2005-2009

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Europe’s Digital Competitiveness Report – Main achievements of the i2010 strategy 2005-2009 “Europe remains a global force in advanced information and communication technologies (ICT). The World Wide Web, the mobile GSM standard,… Continue Reading

Employee Benefit Research Institute: Five Years of 401(k) Investments Wiped Out

What Does Consistent Participation in 401(k) Plans Generate? July 2009, EBRI Issue Brief #332-SR, Paperback, Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2009 Executive Summary – EBRI/ICI 401(K) DATABASE: “The annual EBRI/ICI 401(k) database update report is based on large cross-sections of 401(k) plan participants. Whereas the cross-sections cover participants with a wide range of participation experience in… Continue Reading