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Daily Archives: August 4, 2009

FindLaw: Judges Order California to Reduce State Prisoner Population

Joel Zand, FindLaw: “A panel of three federal judges ordered the State of California to reduce its inmate population because of prison overcrowding, resulting in the release of approximately 43,000 prisoners during the next two years so that the state’s prisons can operate at 137.5% of their design capacity. In a 184-page opinion, the panel ordered California to provide an inmate reduction plan within 45 days to carry out the court’s directive “in no more than two years.”

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009

EIA – Energy Market and Economic Impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 (08/04/2009): “This report responds to a request from Chairman Henry Waxman and Chairman Edward Markey for an analysis of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA). ACESA, as passed by the… Continue Reading

Making Home Affordable Program on Pace to Offer Help to Millions of Homeowners

News release: “Today, the Obama Administration released its first monthly Servicer Performance Report detailing the progress to date of the Making Home Affordable (MHA) loan modification program. The purpose of the report is to document the number of struggling homeowners already helped under the program, provide information on servicer performance and expand transparency around the… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Air Pollution, Climate Change Policy

Air Pollution: Air Quality and Permitting of New Coal-Burning, Electricity-Generating Units in Central Texas, GAO-09-787R, August 04, 2009 Climate Change Policy: Preliminary Observations on Options for Distributing Emissions Allowances and Revenue under a Cap-and-Trade Program, GAO-09-950T, August 04, 2009 Hurricane Katrina: Barriers to Mental Health Services for Children Persist in Greater New Orleans, Although Federal… Continue Reading

Energy Economist: World Oil Supplies Running Out Fast

Warning: Oil supplies are running out fast – Catastrophic shortfalls threaten economic recovery, says world’s top energy economist “The world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading energy economist has warned.… Continue Reading

International comparisons of GDP per capita and per employed person for 17 countries, 1960–2008

International comparisons of GDP per capita and per employed person 17 countries, 1960-2008 – Division of International Labor Comparisons July 28, 2009. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of International Labor Comparison “This report presents comparative levels and trends of real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and per employed person for… Continue Reading

"Tool uses crowdsourcing to gain insight into what users around the world are experiencing in terms of Web accessibility"

“Herdict is a project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Herdict is a portmanteau of ‘herd’ and ‘verdict’ and seeks to show the verdict of the users (the herd). Herdict Web seeks to gain insight into what users around the world are experiencing in terms of web accessibility; or in… Continue Reading

BLS: A portrait of the youth labor market in 13 countries, 1980-2007

A portrait of the youth labor market in 13 countries, 1980-2007, by Gary Martin, Monthly Labor Review, July 2009, pp. 3-21. “In most industrialized countries, relatively high rates of joblessness among young persons have persisted for many years, although with considerable variation across the countries. In recent decades, the unemployment rate for persons under the… Continue Reading

Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, and Stewardship of Research Data in the Digital Age

Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, and Stewardship of Research Data in the Digital Age, Committee on Ensuring the Utility and Integrity of Research Data in a Digital Age; National Academy of Sciences “As digital technologies are expanding the power and reach of research, they are also raising complex issues. These include complications in ensuring the validity… Continue Reading