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Daily Archives: August 2, 2009

OECD Report: information and communications technology industry poised to rebound

News release: “A sudden upturn in global sales of information and communications technology (ICT) goods in May and June suggests the ICT industry may have reached a turning point and be on the road to recovery, according to a new OECD report, Working Party on the Information Economy – The Impact of the Crisis on ICTs and their Role in the Recovery, July 28, 2009. Most countries posted positive month-on-month production growth in May and June and inventories have been run down sharply after historically rapid build-ups. Billings for semiconductor makers, a bellwether for the ICT industry, are rebounding sharply after a severe collapse in orders reminiscent of the 2001-2002 dotcom bust. Asian ICT exports are also growing again month-to-month: Korean producers have been helped by a weaker currency, with production in May down only 3% on the previous year, and Chinese ICT production, which has remained remarkably resilient despite exports dropping by over 20%, grew at nearly 3% year-on-year in May.”

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    Creating Global Intelligence: The Creation of the US Intelligence Community and Lessons for the 21st Century

    Creating Global Intelligence: The Creation of the US Intelligence Community and Lessons for the 21st Century, “a collection of declassified documents from the late 1940s to the early 1950s that ultimately led to the establishment of the CIA. This 800+ collection allows history to come to life as well as giving perspectives on the complex… Continue Reading

    "Crisis in lost expertise" permeates critical scientific, artistic and technical arenas

    WSJ: As Art Ages, So Do the Skills to Preserve It – Hard-Won Expertise Is Easily Lost to Time, Posing a Challenge to Conservators Who Maintain the World’s Masterworks “This art specialty is a microcosm of the crisis in lost expertise that faces many technical endeavors today, from nuclear weapons maintenance to manned space flight.… Continue Reading

    Tax Foundation – Facts & Figures Handbook: How Does Your State Compare?

    Facts & Figures Handbook: How Does Your State Compare? (2009 mid-year update) Mark Robyn: “How do taxes in your state compare nationally? This convenient pocket-size booklet compares the 50 states on 37 different measures of taxing and spending, including individual and corporate income tax rates, business tax climates, excise taxes, tax burdens and state spending.… Continue Reading

    CBO: Analysis of the Subsidy Costs of Direct and Guaranteed Student Loans

    Analysis of the Subsidy Costs of Direct and Guaranteed Student Loans – July 27, 2009 – Letter to the Honorable Judd Gregg “The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) provides federal guarantees for loans made to students by private lenders and is the predominant source of loans for higher education; the Budget Office (CBO) projects… Continue Reading

    CBO's Economic Forecasting Record: 2009 Update

    CBO’s Economic Forecasting Record: 2009 Update, July 2009 “Since publishing its first macroeconomic forecast in 1976, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has compiled a forecasting track record that is comparable in quality with that of the Administration and that of the Blue Chip consensus. In particular, the accuracy of CBO’s two-year forecasts between 1982 and… Continue Reading