Center for Studying Health System Change – Suburban Poverty and the Health Care Safety Net, Research Brief No. 13, July 2009, Laurie E. Felland, Johanna Lauer, Peter J. Cunningham
Center for Studying Health System Change – Suburban Poverty and the Health Care Safety Net, Research Brief No. 13, July 2009, Laurie E. Felland, Johanna Lauer, Peter J. Cunningham
Biological Research: Observations on DHS’s Analyses Concerning Whether FMD Research Can Be Done as Safely on the Mainland as on Plum Island, GAO-09-747, July 30, 2009 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: CMS Should Develop an Agencywide Policy for Translating Medicare Documents into Languages Other Than English, GAO-09-752R, July 30, 2009 Defense Acquisitions: Opportunities Exist… Continue Reading
NO RHYME OR REASON: The ‘Heads I Win, Tails You Lose’ Bank Bonus Culture, Andrew M. Cuomo, Attorney General, State of New York [Report Was Previously Transmitted to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Chairman Edolplhus Towns (D-NY)] “Through various inquiries, the New York State Attorney General’s Office has been examining the causes of last… Continue Reading
The Internet and the Recession, by Lee Rainie, Aaron Smith – July 15, 2009 “Some 69% of all Americans have used the internet to cope with the recession as they hunt for bargains, jobs, ways to upgrade their skills, better investment strategies, housing options, and government benefits. That amounts to 88% of internet users. The… Continue Reading
Wireless Internet Use, by John Horrigan, July 22, 2009 “An April 2009 survey by the Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project shows that 56% of adult Americans have accessed the internet by wireless means, such as using a laptop, mobile device, game console, or MP3 player. The most prevalent way people get online… Continue Reading