Blackberry Apps for Lawyers: Nicole Black highlights an assortment of Blackberry applications for research, document management, mobile communications, music, dictation and more – all of which would benefit just about any law practice.
Blackberry Apps for Lawyers: Nicole Black highlights an assortment of Blackberry applications for research, document management, mobile communications, music, dictation and more – all of which would benefit just about any law practice.
Associates Survey 2009: “In our annual midlevel associates survey, third-, fourth-, and fifth-year associates rate their firms as workplaces. We examined 12 areas that contribute to job satisfaction.” To find out how third-, fourth-, and fifth-year associates rate their firms as workplaces, our annual midlevel survey examined 12 areas that contribute to job satisfaction. They… Continue Reading
Unlocking Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Economy, July 2009 “In this report, McKinsey & Company offers a detailed analysis of the magnitude of the efficiency potential in non-transportation uses of energy, a thorough assessment of the barriers that impede the capture of greater efficiency, and an outline of the practical solutions available to unlock the… Continue Reading
Career and Technical Education: States Have Broad Flexibility in Implementing Perkins IV, GAO-09-683, July 29, 2009 Career and Technical Education: Surveys to State Directors of Career and Technical Education (GAO-09-737SP, July 2009), an E-supplement to GAO-09-683, GAO-09-737SP, July 29, 2009 Learning: Diverse Federal and State Efforts to Support Adult English Language Learning Could Benefit from… Continue Reading
Full Report – Beige Book, July 29, 2009 – Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District, and link to reports by Districts. “Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts suggest that economic activity continued to be weak going into the summer, but most Districts indicated that the pace of decline has… Continue Reading
Federally Funded Innovation Inducement Prizes, Deborah D. Stine, Specialist in Science and Technology Policy, June 29, 2009 “Since at least the 18th century, philanthropic organizations, industry, governments, and nongovernmental organizations throughout the world have offered many different kinds of prizes with a variety of objectives to reward accomplishments in science and technology. In the United… Continue Reading
After Hours: Fancy Foods Are Alive and Well – Kathy Biehl returns, sharing the highlights of the 2009 Summer Fancy Food Show, which ran June 28-30 in New York City. Continue Reading
The Government Domain – Congressional Documents on FDsys: the Basics – E-Gov guru and research expert Peggy Garvin provides an overview of the organization, content and search features of GPO’s new Federal Digital System (FDsys). Continue Reading