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Daily Archives: July 26, 2009

New Pew Study Shows Rebuilding Depleted Mid-Atlantic Fish Populations Can Generate Billions of Dollars for Coastal Communities

News release: “A report released today by the Pew Environment Group reveals significant potential financial benefits of rebuilding four fish species in the Mid-Atlantic: summer flounder, black sea bass, butterfish and bluefish. The report, Investing in Our Future: The Economic Case for Rebuilding Mid-Atlantic Fish Populations, provides a new analysis and estimates direct financial benefits by comparing status quo management of four particular fish species with what would have happened, if those populations had been rebuilt by 2007. The report finds that rebuilding summer flounder, black sea bass, butterfish and bluefish populations by 2007 would have generated an additional $570 million per year in direct economic benefits in perpetuity. In five years, that number would amount to approximately $2.85 billion.”

FCC Report: Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Deployment

News release – High-Speed Services for Internet Access. Provides summary statistics of subscribership data that facilities-based providers of high-speed services file twice a year on FCC Form 477: “High-speed lines, defined as connections delivering services at speeds exceeding 200 kbps in at least one direction, increased by 10% during the first half of 2008, from… Continue Reading

State and Federal Systems Stretched by Rate of Unemployment Requests

New York Times: Jobless Checks for Millions Delayed as States Struggle – “Years of state and federal neglect have hobbled the nation’s unemployment system just as a brutal recession has doubled the number of jobless Americans seeking aid. In a program that values timeliness above all else, decisions involving more than a million applicants have… Continue Reading

DHS OIG – FEMA Response to Formaldehyde in Trailers

FEMA Responses to Formaldehyde in Trailers (OIG-09-83), (Redacted), June 2009 “Nearly one-third of the trailers provided to victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita were eventually projected to have significant potential formaldehyde problems. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials, in our opinion, did not take sufficiently prompt and effective action to determine the extent of the… Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch: Disabilities Convention Will Be First Human Rights Treaty Signed by US in Nearly a Decade

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which President Obama ….announce[d] that the US will sign, will be the first international human rights treaty signed by the United States in nearly a decade, Human Rights Watch said… “This treaty was created to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities… Continue Reading

Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) Program Final Rule Released

“NHTSA has released the final rule for the Car Allowance Rebate System, the $1 billion Federal program that will help consumers purchase a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle when they trade in a less fuel-efficient vehicle. Consumers could receive a $3,500 or $4,500 discount from the car dealer when they trade in their old vehicle and… Continue Reading