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Daily Archives: July 11, 2009

Service Dogs for Vets' Unseen Injuries

WSJ: “Seeing Eye dogs were first systematically trained in Germany during World War I to aid blinded veterans. Today, psychiatric-service dogs are being trained to help veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan battles…Puppies Behind Bars Inc., a New York-based nonprofit that uses prisoners to train animals, has placed psychiatric-service dogs with 11 veterans and hopes to provide 14 more this year. Gloria Gilbert Stoga, the charity’s president, said it is difficult to raise the $26,000 needed to train each dog.”

OTS: Risk Management: Asset and Liability Concentrations

Memorandum: Risk Management – Asset and Liability Concentrations – Office of Thrift Supervision, July 9, 2009 “The Office of Supervision (OTS) has conducted internal reviews of recent savings association failures and has identified concerns regarding asset and liability concentrations and related risk management practices. Higher-risk asset and liability concentrations contributed significantly to the increase in… Continue Reading