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Daily Archives: July 6, 2009

Cross-industry Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising

News release: “A group of the nation’s largest media and marketing trade associations…released self-regulatory principles to protect consumer privacy in ad-supported interactive media that will require advertisers and Web sites to clearly inform consumers about data collection practices and enable them to exercise control over that information…This cross-industry self-regulatory task force represents the first time that representatives of the entire advertising ecosystem have come together to develop principles for the use and collection of data in this important area to the economy.”

  • Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, July 2009
  • New York Times: Four Privacy Protections the Online Ad Industry Left Out
  • Report: Great Outdoors America

    News release: “A wide-ranging review of how Americans engage with and value the nation’s land and water resources and its outdoor recreation assets calls for a comprehensive overhaul of programs and policies to safeguard these resources for future generations and to meet the needs of a growing population. The report by the private, bipartisan Outdoor… Continue Reading

    Codex Sinaiticus website now features complete version of earliest known copy of New Testament

    “Codex Sinaiticus is one of the world’s outstanding manuscripts. Together with Codex Vaticanus, it is one of the earliest extant Bibles, containing the oldest complete New Testament. This treasured codex is indispensable for understanding the earliest text of the Greek Bible, the transmission of its text, the establishment of the Christian canon, and the history… Continue Reading

    NIH Publishes New Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research

    “The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is hereby publishing final National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research (Guidelines). On March 9, 2009, President Barack H. Obama issued Executive Order 13505: Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells. The Executive Order states that the Secretary of Health and Human Services,… Continue Reading

    New GAO Reports – DOD Defense Posture, IRS Penalties, Urban Area Security Initiative

    Force Structure: Actions Needed to Improve DOD’s Ability to Manage, Assess, and Report on Global Defense Posture Initiatives, GAO-09-706R, July 02, 2009 Tax Administration: IRS Should Evaluate Penalties and Develop a Plan to Focus Its Efforts, GAO-09-567, June 05, 2009 Urban Area Security Initiative: FEMA Lacks Measures to Assess How Regional Collaboration Efforts Build Preparedness… Continue Reading

    Predicting Social Security numbers from public data

    Predicting Social Security numbers from public data, Alessandro Acquisti1 and Ralph Gross, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 5, 2009 (received for review January 18, 2009) “Information about an individual’s place and date of birth can be exploited to predict his or her Social Security number (SSN). Using only publicly available information, we observed a… Continue Reading