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Monthly Archives: June 2009

CDC Introduces New Website to Help Employers Combat Obesity and Reduce Health-Related Costs

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unveiled LEANWorks!, a Website designed to help businesses address obesity. LEAN stands for Leading Employees to Activity and Nutrition…The free Website was developed particularly for small and mid-size companies, which typically have more limited resources to devote to obesity prevention efforts. However, the tools and resources available… Continue Reading

CDT's Health Privacy Project Releases Paper on De-identification of Personal Health Data

News release: “CDT’s Health Privacy Project released a paper advocating the need for stronger standards for “de-identified” personal health information when used for medial research, to promote public health, or other specialized purposes. The paper notes that stronger standards are needed to ensure the “de-identified” data cannot be re-identified in order to maintain patient privacy… Continue Reading

CBO's Long-Term Model: An Overview

CBO’s Long-Term Model: An Overview, June 2009 “During the past eight years, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has developed a sophisticated long-term microsimulation model known as CBOLT. The agency uses the model to analyze the budgetary and distributional effects of the Social Security program and other federal policies and programs, to evaluate potential reforms to… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve: Profitability of Credit Card Operations of Depository Institutions

Report to the Congress on the Profitability of Credit Card Operations of Depository Institutions Submitted to the Congress pursuant to section 8 of the Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act of 1988, June 2009: “Analyzes the profitability over time of depository institutions’ credit card activities by examining the performance of larger institutions that specialize… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Medical Benefits to Deployed Federal Civilians, DHS Infrastructure Protection Cost-Benefit Report, Energy Markets

Human Capital: Actions Needed to Better Track and Provide Timely and Accurate Compensation and Medical Benefits to Deployed Federal Civilians, GAO-09-562, June 26, 2009 The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Critical Infrastructure Protection Cost-Benefit Report, GAO-09-654R, June 26, 2009 Energy Markets: Estimates of the Effects of Mergers and Market Concentration on Wholesale Gasoline Prices, GAO-09-659,… Continue Reading

A Guide to the Preservation of Federal Judge' Papers, Second Edition

A Guide to the Preservation of Federal Judge’ Papers, Second Edition Federal Judicial History Office, 2009, 89 pages (Forthcoming) “A publication that discusses the importance of federal judges’ papers as a documentary record of judges’ careers and the work of the federal courts. The guide describes how students of the federal courts use judges’ papers… Continue Reading

CBO: The Troubled Asset Relief Program: Report on Transactions Through June 17, 2009

The Troubled Asset Relief Program: Report on Transactions Through June 17, 2009 – June 2009 “In October 2008, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Public Law 110-343) established the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to enable the Department of the Treasury to promote stability in financial markets through the purchase and… Continue Reading

FTC Issues Iterim Report on "Authorized Generic" Drugs

“The Federal Trade Commission today issued Authorized Generics: An Interim Report, which presents the first set of results from a study conducted to examine the short-term and long-term effects of “authorized generics” on competition in the prescription drug marketplace. An authorized generic exists when a pharmaceutical manufacturer sells a drug under both a brand-name and… Continue Reading

Annual Report 2008 of the Commission Bancaire

Banque de France Press Release: 2008 annual report of the Commission bancaire – “In 2008 the financial turmoil resulting from the subprime crisis intensified, leading many credit institutions, in particular in the United States, to make substantial write-downs and impairments. Consequently, confidence in the financial system was hit to the extent that the interbank market… Continue Reading

Report: Underpayments to Consumers by the Health Insurance Industry

News release: “Today, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-WV) announces the release of an investigative staff report, Underpayments to Consumers by the Health Insurance Industry. “More than 100 million American consumers pay extra premiums for health insurance coverage that allows them to receive care… Continue Reading