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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Interim Final Rule on TARP Standards for Compensation and Corporate Governance

June 10, 2009 – Interim Final Rule on TARP Standards for Compensation and Corporate Governance. For a copy of the regulations, click here [123 pages, PDF]. Statement by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Compensation Treasury: Providing Compensation Committees New Independence fact sheet Treasury: Say on Pay fact sheet SEC Chairman Schapiro Statement on Executive Compensation… Continue Reading

Emerging Health Care Issues: Follow-On Biologic Drug Competition: A Federal Trade Commission Report

News release: “The Federal Trade Commission today released a report entitled, Emerging Health Care Issues: Follow-on Biologic Drug Competition, which examines whether the price of biologic drugs – products manufactured using living tissues and microorganisms – could be reduced by competition from so-called “follow-on biologics” (FOBs). FOBs are like generic drugs, but with significant differences.… Continue Reading

Putting Women's Health Care Disparities On The Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level

Putting Women’s Health Care Disparities On The Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level, June 10, 2009: “This Kaiser Family Foundation report documents the persistence of disparities between white women and women of color across the country. It provides a rare and comprehensive state-level look at disparities among women of different races… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board Beige Book, June 2009

June 10, 2009 – Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District. Link to reports by Districts. “Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks indicate that economic conditions remained weak or deteriorated further during the period from mid-April through May. However, five of the Districts noted that the downward trend is… Continue Reading

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employer Costs for Employee Compensation

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Summary – May 2009: ” Employer costs for employee compensation averaged $29.39 per hour worked in March 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Wages and salaries, which averaged $20.49, accounted for 69.7 percent of these costs, while benefits, which averaged $8.90, accounted for the… Continue Reading

CBO: Did the 2008 Tax Rebates Stimulate Short-Term Growth?

Did the 2008 Tax Rebates Stimulate Short-Term Growth?, June 10, 2009 Economic and Budget Issue Brief “In preparing its economic forecast published in September 2008, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that 40 percent of the tax rebates issued in the spring and summer under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-185) would… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Voters With Disabilities, Broadband Deployment Plan, VA Real Property

Army Working Capital Fund: Actions Needed to Improve Budgeting for Carryover at Army Ordnance, GAO-09-415, June 10, 2009 Environmental Contamination: Lessons Learned from the Cleanup of Formerly Used Defense and Military Munitions Sites, GAO-09-779T, June 10, 2009 VA Real Property: VA Emphasizes Enhanced-Use Leases to Manage Its Real Property Portfolio, GAO-09-776T, June 10, 2009 Voters… Continue Reading

HHS Report: Health Disparities: A Case for Closing the Gap

Health and Human Services, “Despite consistent increases in spending, disparities among demographic groups persist. Low-income Americans and racial and ethnic minorities experience disproportionately higher rates of disease, fewer treatment options, and reduced access to care. With unemployment on the rise, the disparities already apparent among these groups will continue to increase. A new report… Continue Reading

Treasury Announces $68 Billion in Expected CPP Repayments

News release: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced today that 10 of the largest U.S. financial institutions participating in the Capital Purchase Program (CPP) have met the requirements for repayment established by the primary federal banking supervisors. Following consultation with the primary banking supervisor of each institution, Treasury has notified the institutions that they… Continue Reading

EIA: Outlook for Hurricane Production Outages, Short-Term Energy Outlook, International Petroleum Monthly

The 2009 Outlook for Hurricane Production Outages in the Gulf of Mexico (06/09/2009): “EIA’s projections for hurricane production outages of crude oil and natural gas in the Gulf of Mexico for the 2009 hurricane season. Short-Term Energy Outlook June 2009 (06/09/2009): “Short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2010… Continue Reading

Congressional Oversight Panel Report: Stress Testing and Shoring Up Bank Capital

“The Congressional Oversight Panel June 2009 Oversight Report, Stress Testing and Shoring Up Bank Capital, examines the recent stress tests conducted on America’s 19 largest bank holding companies (BHCs)…The Panel’s report examines how effectively Treasury and the Federal Reserve conducted the stress tests, specifically reviewing the government’s economic assumptions, their methods of calculating bank capitalization,… Continue Reading