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Daily Archives: June 26, 2009

Federal Reserve: Profitability of Credit Card Operations of Depository Institutions

Report to the Congress on the Profitability of Credit Card Operations of Depository Institutions Submitted to the Congress pursuant to section 8 of the Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act of 1988, June 2009: “Analyzes the profitability over time of depository institutions’ credit card activities by examining the performance of larger institutions that specialize in such activities and of a sample of smaller commercial banks that offer a range of credit services. Also reviews trends in credit card pricing, including changes in interest rates.”

New GAO Reports: Medical Benefits to Deployed Federal Civilians, DHS Infrastructure Protection Cost-Benefit Report, Energy Markets

Human Capital: Actions Needed to Better Track and Provide Timely and Accurate Compensation and Medical Benefits to Deployed Federal Civilians, GAO-09-562, June 26, 2009 The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Critical Infrastructure Protection Cost-Benefit Report, GAO-09-654R, June 26, 2009 Energy Markets: Estimates of the Effects of Mergers and Market Concentration on Wholesale Gasoline Prices, GAO-09-659,… Continue Reading

A Guide to the Preservation of Federal Judge' Papers, Second Edition

A Guide to the Preservation of Federal Judge’ Papers, Second Edition Federal Judicial History Office, 2009, 89 pages (Forthcoming) “A publication that discusses the importance of federal judges’ papers as a documentary record of judges’ careers and the work of the federal courts. The guide describes how students of the federal courts use judges’ papers… Continue Reading