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Daily Archives: June 17, 2009

Newly-declassified Report for 9/11 Commission Focused on Agency Info Sharing

Secrecy News: “The rise of “the wall” between intelligence and law enforcement personnel that impeded the sharing of information within the U.S. government prior to September 11, 2001 was critically examined in a detailed monograph (pdf) that was prepared in 2004 for the 9/11 Commission. It is the only one of four staff monographs that had not previously been released. It was finally declassified and disclosed earlier this month. In April 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft testified (pdf) that the failure to properly share threat information in the summer of 2001 could be attributed to Justice Department policy memoranda that were issued in 1995 by the Clinton Administration. That is an erroneous oversimplification, the staff monograph contends: “A review of the facts… demonstrates that the Attorney General’s testimony did not fairly and accurately reflect” the meaning or relevance of those 1995 policy documents. For one thing, those policies did not even apply to CIA and NSA information, which could have been shared with law enforcement without any procedural obstacles.”

  • “The information sharing failures in the summer of 2001 were not the result of legal barriers but of the failure of individuals to understand that the barriers did not apply to the facts at hand,” the 35-page monograph concludes. “Simply put, there was no legal reason why the information could not have been shared.”
  • FTC Testifies on Efforts to Combat Identity Theft

    “The Federal Trade Commission today described its comprehensive efforts to combat identity theft before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The FTC also recommended legislative remedies to enhance the effectiveness of these efforts. The testimony presented by Betsy Broder, Assistant Director of… Continue Reading

    Refugees: Forced migration – Countries with most refugees, and the burden on their populations chart: “At the end of 2008 10.5m refugees were in the direct care of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, down slightly from 11.4m a year earlier. The conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq again caused the largest numbers of refugees to flee to, or remain in, neighbouring countries. Some 2.8m of the world’s refugees… Continue Reading

    White House Financial Regulatory Reform: Rebuilding Financial Supervision and Regulation

    Follow up to June 16, 2009 posting – Draft of the White House Financial Regulatory Overhaul Plan – the White House today released: Financial Regulatory Reform: A New Foundation – Rebuilding Financial Supervision and Regulation – “We must act now to restore confidence in the integrity of our financial system. The lasting economic damage to… Continue Reading

    U.S. Climate Change Science Program Final Reports

    Final Report of Synthesis and Assessment Product 5.2 (Best practice approaches for characterizing, communicating, and incorporating scientific uncertainty in decisionmaking) is posted. See also press release from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (posted 16 Jan 2009) Final Report of Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.1 (Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-Level Rise: A Focus on the… Continue Reading

    Strengthening the Transatlantic Alliance: An Overview of the Obama Administration's Policies in Europe

    Strengthening the Transatlantic Alliance: An Overview of the Obama Administration’s Policies in Europe, Philip H. Gordon, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Statement before the Subcommittee on Europe of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Washington, DC, June 16, 2009 “Many of our European partners are among the most prosperous, democratic, and militarily capable… Continue Reading

    New GAO Reports: Broadcasting to Cuba, Polar-Orbiting Satellites, Troubled Asset Relief Program, American Battle Monuments

    Broadcasting to Cuba: Observations Regarding TV Marti’s Strategy and Operations, GAO-09-758T, June 17, 2009 Identity Theft: Governments Have Acted to Protect Personally Identifiable Information, but Vulnerabilities Remain, GAO-09-759T, June 17, 2009 Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites: With Costs Increasing and Data Continuity at Risk, Improvements Needed in Tri-agency Decision Making, GAO-09-564, June 17, 2009 Polar-Orbiting Satellites: With… Continue Reading

    Report:: Crossing Our Lines: Working Together to Reform the U.S. Health System – Bipartisan Policy Center and the Leaders' Project

    “Crossing Our Lines: Working Together to Reform the U.S. Health System, is a bipartisan agreement for comprehensive health reform reached by Senators Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, and Bob Dole. It is the culmination of an inclusive year-and-a-half effort that included strategic outreach to key health care stakeholders, a series of state-based public policy forums, and… Continue Reading

    KnowPrivacy Report

    Joshua Gomez, Travis Pinnick, and Ashkan Soltani, UC Berkeley, School of Information – KnowPrivacy – June 1, 2009 “Online privacy and behavioral profiling are of growing concern among both consumers and government officials. In this report, we examine both the data handling practices of popular websites and the concerns of consumers in an effort to… Continue Reading