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Daily Archives: June 16, 2009

Draft of the White House Financial Regulatory Overhaul Plan

WSJ: “The 85-page proposal is part of an effort by the Obama administration to redraw the rules that govern finance in an attempt to restore confidence in U.S. and global markets. Obama administration officials want the rules to be tough enough to correct some of the damage caused by the financial crisis last year but not so restrictive that they stifle innovation. The paper says the administration has stopped short of calling for all changes that could be seen as “desirable” and pushed only for those they see as “essential” to reform..The administration’s proposal would give the government the power to take over and wind down a large financial company, a power that government officials lacked last year when the financial crisis was intensifying. It would also give the central bank more powers over the payments and settlements systems that money flows through in U.S. financial markets, to prevent against a breakdown in these areas that officials fear could destabilize the economy.”

  • “A transcript of The Journal’s interview with President Obama, which touches on financial-regulatory reform, the power of free markets, health care and Bernanke’s future at the Fed.”
  • Related postings on financial system

New on – The End of Institutional Repositories & the Beginning of Social Academic Research Service

The End of Institutional Repositories & the Beginning of Social Academic Research Service: An Enhanced Role For Libraries – Stuart Basefsky advocates broadening the concept of institutional repositories (IRs) to serve as full-fledged electronic libraries and documents how they can then serve the greater purpose of collecting, disseminating, analyzing and exchanging useful digital information for… Continue Reading

Mapping the Arabic Blogosphere: Politics, Culture and Dissent

Mapping the Arabic Blogosphere: Politics, Culture, and Dissent – By Bruce Etling, John Kelly, Robert Faris, and John Palfrey – Internet & Democracy Case Study Series, June 2009. Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2009-06 “This study explores the structure and content of the Arabic blogosphere using link analysis, term frequency analysis, and human coding of… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Army's Modernization of Combat Systems, Federal Bankruptcy Judges, Influenza Pandemic, NASA

Defense Acquisitions: Issues to be Considered for Army’s Modernization of Combat Systems, GAO-09-793T, June 16, 2009 Federal Bankruptcy Judges: Measuring Judges’ Case-Related Workload, GAO-09-808T, June 16, 2009 Influenza Pandemic: Greater Agency Accountability Needed to Protect Federal Workers in the Event of a Pandemic, GAO-09-783T, June 16, 2009 NASA: Commercial Partners Are Making Progress, but Face… Continue Reading

Joint Audit of Blackwater Contract and Task Orders for Worldwide Personal Protective Services in Iraq

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Joint Audit of Blackwater Contract and Task Orders for Worldwide Personal Protective Services in Iraq, Report Numbers AUD/IQO-09-16,SIGIR 09-021, June 2009. Unclassified. “The joint audit addressed the following four objectives pertaining to the Blackwater task orders under the Department of State Worldwide Personal Protective Services II contract: (1) What… Continue Reading

Conference Board: Social Media Explosion

“Social networks are exploding in popularity. Forty-three percent of the online community now uses social networking sites, including Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn. This is up from 27 percent a year ago, reports The Conference Board and TNS. The Consumer Internet Barometer, a quarterly report produced by The Conference Board, the global business membership and research… Continue Reading

FDIC Supervisory Insights – Devoted to Advancing the Practice of Bank Supervision, Summer 2009

“This issue of Supervisory Insights provides a chronology of selected major events and developments that occurred in the financial services industry during a tumultuous 2008. Although the long term effects are unclear, certain points of emphasis for bank supervisors are emerging, and “A Year in Bank Supervision: 2008 and a Few of Its Lessons” offers… Continue Reading

The Digital Britain Report

“On 16 June the Government published The Digital Britain Report, its strategic vision for ensuring that the UK is at the leading edge of the global digital economy. The report provides actions and recommendations to promote and protect talent and innovation in our creative industries, to modernise TV and radio frameworks and support local news,… Continue Reading

ABA: Strategies for Success from Multicultural Women Attorneys

Dear Sisters, Dear Daughters: Strategies for Success from Multicultural Women Attorneys – “This is a unique, inspirational collection of letters from 44 experienced women attorneys of color to the next generation outlining various roadmaps for success in the legal profession as a minority woman attorney. The book is organized by practice settings: (a) large and… Continue Reading