DHS Office of Immigration Statistics – Refugees and Asylees: 2008, Daniel C. Martin AND Michael Hoefer
DHS Office of Immigration Statistics – Refugees and Asylees: 2008, Daniel C. Martin AND Michael Hoefer
News release: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released the concluding statement by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) following this year’s Article IV Consultation with the United States. This statement represents the independent judgment and assessment by IMF staff of U.S. economic performance and policies. Release of this statement is consistent… Continue Reading
OMB Memorandum: Planning for the Presidents Fiscal Year 2011 Budget and Performance Plans, June 11, 2009 “…Specifically, we expect the following to take place over the next six months in order to begin the change process: Map your current hiring process, using OPMs End-to-End Hiring Process Mapping, from the time a manager identifies a need… Continue Reading
Office of Thrift Supervision – Cost of Funds for OTS Regulated Institutions, June 15, 2009. Office of Thrift Supervision Cost of Funds – Historical Report Continue Reading
CBO: Preliminary Analysis of Major Provisions Related to Health Insurance Coverage Under the Affordable Health Choices Act, June 15, 2009. Letter to the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy. “The attached table summarizes our preliminary assessment of the proposals budgetary effects and its likely impact on insurance coverage. According to that assessment, enacting the proposal would result… Continue Reading
CBP Could Improve Its Estimation of Funding Needed for New Border Patrol Agents, GAO-09-542R, June 15, 2009 Tax Gap: Requiring Information Reporting for Charitable Cash Contributions May Not Be an Effective Way to Improve Compliance GAO-09-555, May 14, 2009 Veterans Affairs: Implementation of Temporary Residence Adaptation Grants. GAO-09-637R, June 15, 2009 Continue Reading
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government: Whos in Charge? Who Should Be? The Role of the Federal Government in Megadisasters: Based on Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: “This paper looks at what has happened, and what has not happened, since the waters receded and the debris was removed. Based on lessons learned from this catastrophe,… Continue Reading