New on – FOIA Facts: The Detainee Photo Issue – Is it What it Seems? – Scott A. Hodes comments on the Obama administrations’ decision to continue to fight the release of detainee photos.
New on – FOIA Facts: The Detainee Photo Issue – Is it What it Seems? – Scott A. Hodes comments on the Obama administrations’ decision to continue to fight the release of detainee photos.
New on Bridging the DiGital Divide: Custom Search Engines Put You in Control – Law librarian, legal research expert and blogger John J. DiGilio’s new column focuses on technology trends that leverage the web to achieve more efficient and effective results. Here John recommends using customized search engines to manage the sites you search. Continue Reading
“To understand the looming deficits, The New York Times analyzed Congressional Budget Office projections of the budget surplus or deficit for the years 2009-12, President Obamas current term. The budget office has been making estimates for these years for nearly a decade now. The numbers that appear [here] are the average annual deficit or surplus… Continue Reading
Remarks at the 2009 World Food Prize Announcement Ceremony, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Washington, DC. June 11, 2009 “The effects of chronic hunger cannot be overstated. Hunger is not only a physical condition, it is a drain on economic development, a threat to global security, a barrier to health and education, and a… Continue Reading
2009 Trust, Security & Passwords Survey Research Brief: “This global “snooping” survey is the third in a series of benchmark studies focused on identifying security and privacy trends among IT workers. Results are intended to raise awareness about the risks associated with powerful, and often unmanaged, privileged users and passwords. While seemingly innocuous, these accounts… Continue Reading
Statement of G8 Finance Ministers, 06/13/2009: “Even after output growth begins picking up, unemployment may continue to increase. Our countries will continue to implement actions to reduce the impact of the crisis on employment and maximise the potential for growth in jobs in the period of economic recovery, including by promoting targeted active labor market… Continue Reading
Paying for Health Care Reform – $313 Billion in Additional Savings to Create a Deficit Neutral Plan – Summary Released by the White House Following the President’s Weekly Radio Address “We have the most expensive health care system in the world, but do not get the best results. The rising costs of health care are… Continue Reading
“The RaceTracker project on the OpenCongress wiki tracks every election for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and state governor. RaceTracker is a free, open-source, fully-referenced, and non-partisan public resource. It is coordinated by the crew at the SwingStateProject.” Continue Reading