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Daily Archives: June 8, 2009

Report: Enhancing Child Safety & Online Technologies

Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University report: Enhancing Child Safety & Online Technologies: Final Report of the Internet Safety Technical Taskforce to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States in December of 2008.

  • “Many youth in the United States have fully integrated the Internet into their daily lives. For them, the Internet is a positive and powerful space for socializing, learning, and engaging in public life. Along with the positive aspects of Internet use come risks to safety, including the dangers of sexual solicitation, online harassment, and bullying, and exposure to problematic and illegal content. The Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking, comprising 50 state Attorneys General, asked this Task Force to determine the extent to which today’s technologies could help to address these online safety risks, with a primary focus on social network sites in the United States.”
  • Bankruptcy Filings Continue to Rise

    U.S. Courts: “Bankruptcy filings for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2009, were up 33.3 percent over bankruptcy filings for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2008, according to statistics released today by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. March 2009 bankruptcy filings totaled 1,202,503, compared to the total 901,927 bankruptcy cases filed in… Continue Reading

    ACLU Releases Report On Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayo

    “The American Civil Liberties Union today released a report summarizing the civil liberties and civil rights record of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who was nominated by President Obama to replace retiring Justice David Souter as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. The report was prepared in accordance with ACLU policy, and will be… Continue Reading

    TRAC: DEA Prison Rates Vary Across U.S.

    “In cases where the DEA is the lead investigative agency, there are significant geographic variations in the rates at which individuals convicted of criminal offenses get sent to prison. According to Justice Department data obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse and just published on TRAC’s DEA website, in the Northern District of… Continue Reading

    New GAO Reports: Aviation and Climate Change, Nuclear and Worker Safety, Biomonitoring

    Aviation and Climate Change: Aircraft Emissions Expected to Grow, but Technological and Operational Improvements and Government Policies Can Help Control Emissions, GAO-09-554, June 08, 2009 Nuclear and Worker Safety: Limited Information Exists on Costs and Reasons for Work Stoppages at DOE’s Hanford Site, GAO-09-451, May 07, 2009 Biomonitoring: EPA Needs to Coordinate Its Research Strategy… Continue Reading

    Comptroller Dugan Urges More Consumer Protections for Reverse Mortgages

    Remarks by John C. Dugan, Comptroller of the Currency, Before the American Bankers Association Regulatory Compliance Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 8, 2009 – Consumer Protections for Reverse Mortgages “….reverse mortgages are targeted at older homeowners that have built up substantial home equity. Like traditional mortgages, a reverse mortgage provides a homeowner with access to cash… Continue Reading

    USDA: Emerging Issues in the U.S. Organic Industry

    Emerging Issues in the U.S. Organic Industry, By Catherine Greene, Carolyn Dimitri, Biing-Hwan Lin, William McBride, Lydia Oberholtzer, and Travis Smith. Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-55) 36 pp, June 2009 Consumer demand for organic products has widened over the last decade. While new producers have emerged to help meet demand, market participants report that a… Continue Reading

    Legal, Factual and Other Internet Sites for Attorneys and Legal Professionals.

    Timothy L. Coggins, Legal, Factual and Other Internet Sites for Attorneys and Legal Professionals, XV RICH. J.L. & TECH. 13 (2009). “This listing of Internet sites for legal, factual, and other research presents a variety of sources for attorneys, law students, law librarians, and others who use the Web. Initially developed for an Advanced Legal… Continue Reading