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Monthly Archives: May 2009

EPA Hearing on Proposed Endangerment Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under the Clean Air Act

News release: “EPA will hold the first of two public hearings on Monday, May 18 regarding the agency’s proposed findings that greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger public health or welfare. The proposed findings identify six greenhouse gases that pose a potential threat.” More information on the proposed finding Related postings on… Continue Reading

Treasury Releases March Monthly Bank Lending Survey

News release: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released results from its monthly bank lending survey for March with data from the top 21 recipients of government investments through the Capital Purchase Program (CPP). Overall, balance sheets continued to contract. Outstanding loan balances at these banks slipped 1 percent in March. The survey also… Continue Reading

FTC: Judge Orders Halt to Illegal Robocalls Selling Deceptive Warranties

Follow up to May 14, 2009 posting, FTC Files Suit to Stop Illegal Robocalls Pushing Vehicle “Warranty Extensions” – “Today Judge John F. Grady of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois issued a temporary restraining order stopping telemarketing company Voice Touch, Inc., its principals James and Maureen Dunne, its business… Continue Reading

WSJ Charts Closing of Chrysler Dealerships

Follow up to previous postings on Chrysler, this WSJ article, downloadable list, and graphic chart: “Chrysler will close one-quarter of its dealerships in the United States…see names, location details of the 789 dealers the embattled auto maker is seeking to drop from its retail network, according to documents filed Thursday with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Military Depot Maintenance, Aviation Security

Depot Maintenance: Actions Needed to Identify and Establish Core Capability at Military Depots, GAO-09-83, May 14, 2009: “DOD, through its biennial core process, has not comprehensively and accurately assessed whether it has the required core capability to support fielded systems in military depots. Although DOD internally reported that its maintenance workload of 92.7 million hours… Continue Reading