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Daily Archives: May 24, 2009

World Health Statistics 2009 presents mid-way report card

News release: “Deaths of children aged under five years have dropped by 27% globally since 1990, according to the latest WHO estimates. But in WHO’s first progress report on the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) released today in the World Health Statistics 2009, other results are mixed. An estimated 9 million children aged under five years died in 2007, significantly fewer than the 12.5 million estimated to have died in 1990, the baseline year against which progress towards the goals is measured. However, in many African countries and in low-income countries generally, progress has been insufficient to reach the MDG target, that aims for a two thirds reduction in child mortality by the year 2015.”

WSJ: As Recession Bites, More Attorneys Attend Management Training

Law Firms Embrace Business School 101: “At a growing number of law firms, top attorneys are being trained like business people, using executive education courses designed to strengthen management and business skills. Some firms have been actively teaching lawyers business skills for the past half-decade. But this year’s shrinking client lists — and profits —… Continue Reading

SEC Takes Steps to Strengthen Existing Rules Governing Securities Trading by Personnel

News release: “Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro outlined a series of measures the agency is taking to strengthen its internal compliance program to guard against inappropriate employee securities trading….The measures the agency is taking include: First, the staff has drafted a set of new internal rules governing securities transactions for all SEC employees… Continue Reading