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Monthly Archives: April 2009

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Issues New Audit Reports

09-014 – Security Forces Logistics Contract Experienced Certain Cost, Outcome, and Oversight Problems, April 26, 2009: “This report discusses one of the largest Department of Defense contracts funded by the Iraq Security Forces Fund [As of January 31, 2009, the value of the three task orders issued under the AECOM contract for this purpose was… Continue Reading

WSJ Interactive Map – Adverse events at top 100 newspapers, 2006-2009

Pressure on the Presses: “A precipitous drop in ad spending has cut profits at U.S. newspapers sharply. Some dailies are in bankruptcies, some are printing fewer papers and some have closed altogether. Thousands of reporters, editors and others have left the industry. Track events and readership at the top 50 newspapers by circulation…and in the… Continue Reading

World Bank – Global Monitoring Report 2009

Global Monitoring Report 2009: “The global financial crisis is imperiling attainment of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and creating an emergency for development, warned an IMF-World Bank report released today. Most of the eight globally agreed goals are unlikely to be met, including those related to hunger, child and maternal mortality, education, and progress… Continue Reading

World Bank Group Launches Multi-Billion Infrastructure Initiatives to Help Developing Countries Weather Crisis

News release: “World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick today launched two multi-billion infrastructure investment initiatives to help developing countries withstand the global financial and economic crisis. The World Bank’s Infrastructure Recovery and Assets (INFRA) platform and the Infrastructure Crisis Facility (ICF), set-up by IFC, the World Bank Group’s member focused on private sector investments,… Continue Reading

Online Resources to Track and Monitor National and Global Course of Human Swine

New York Timez: U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine Flu Global Disease Health Map Google Maps: H1N1 Swine flu in 2009 – Pink markers are suspect / Purple markers are confirmed / Deaths lack dot in marker/ Yellow markers are negative MSN Live Search – 2009 Swine Flu H1N1 Outbreak and Migration Map –… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Defense Acquisitions, Environmental Satellites, Recovery Act, Foreign Aid Reform, Transportation Security

Defense Acquisitions: Actions Needed to Ensure Value for Service Contracts, GAO-09-643T, April 23, 2009. Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites: Acquisition Has Increased Costs, Reduced Capabilities, and Delayed Schedules, GAO-09-596T, April 23, 2009 Recovery Act: As Initial Implementation Unfolds in States and Localities, Continued Attention to Accountability Issues Is Essential, GAO-09-631T, April 23, 2009 Recovery Act: As… Continue Reading

Report: American Communities finding smarter, cleaner, faster transportation solutions

Environmental Defense Fund: “The urgency of the current economic and environmental crises requires solutions that have been proven to work effectively. Our report, Reinventing Transit, American communities finding smarter, cleaner, faster transportation solutions, showcases the new generation of innovative public transit already at work in communities across America, helping to create jobs while ensuring cleaner… Continue Reading

New GAO Report: Summary of Government Efforts and Automakers' Restructuring to Date

Auto Industry: Summary of Government Efforts and Automakers’ Restructuring to Date, GAO-09-553, April 23, 2009: “The turmoil in financial markets and the economic downturn has brought significant financial stress to the auto manufacturing industry. The economic reach of the auto industry in the United States is broad, affecting autoworkers, auto suppliers, stock and bondholders, dealers,… Continue Reading

World Bank – Infrastructure Financing Gap Endangers Development Goals

News release: “Throughout the developing world, infrastructure is improving living conditions and reducing poverty. But these life-changing investments are increasingly threatened as budgets shrink in the global financial crisis. The World Bank estimates all developing countries could face an infrastructure financing gap as high as $270 billion a year. Another $110 billion of privately financed… Continue Reading

Sen. Specter: The Need to Roll Back Presidential Power Grabs

New York Review of Books: The Need to Roll Back Presidential Power Grabs, By Arlen Specter, April 16, 2009 “In the seven and a half years since September 11, the United States has witnessed one of the greatest expansions of executive authority in its history, at the expense of the constitutionally mandated separation of powers.… Continue Reading