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Monthly Archives: April 2009

Center for Responsive Politics now provides 20 years of downloadable money-in-politics data–for free

News release: “Today the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics is putting 200 million data records from the watchdog group’s archive directly into the hands of citizens, activists, journalists and anyone else interested in following the money in U.S. politics. For the first time in CRP’s 26-year history, the nonprofit research group’s most popular data archives… Continue Reading

TV Turnoff Week Begins April 20

Turnoff Weeks 2009: April 20th – 26th and September 20th – 26th, 2009: “Why Turn Off?: Screen Time cuts into family time and is a leading cause of obesity in both adults and children. Excessive use of screens for recreational purposes leads to a more sedentary and solitary lifestyle and that is unhealthy for all… Continue Reading

World Bank Is Emphasizing the Importance of Risk Management

News release: “The world economy remains mired in a severe financial crisis, threatening decades of development progress in many countries. Emerging market economies are particularly vulnerable as the sharp contraction in capital flows from public and private sources is occurring in an environment of increased investor risk aversion. The World Bank estimates that the developing… Continue Reading

Commentary: With the right policies in place, an expansion of public transportation could help reindustrialize the US

From Mass Transit to New Manufacturing – With the right policies in place, an expansion of public transportation could help reindustrialize the United States. Jonathan Michael Feldman | March 23, 2009 “A new industrial-policy initiative for domestic production of mass-transit products could help the United States overcome multiple economic challenges. It could provide high-wage jobs,… Continue Reading

401(k) Balances and Changes Due to Market Volatility – Data to April 10, 2009

“The Employee Benefit Research Institute and the Investment Company Institute have been collaborating since 1996 to develop the most comprehensive database on 401(k) plan participants yet assembled. Participant data include demographic, contribution, asset allocation, and loan and withdrawal activity information. The December 2008 EBRI Issue Brief presents analysis of data collected for 2007 on more… Continue Reading

The 2009 Retirement Confidence Survey: Economy Drives Confidence to Record Lows; Many Looking to Work Longer

The 2009 Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS): Economy Drives Confidence to Record Lows; Many Looking to Work Longer, April 2009, Employee Benefit Research Institute, Issue Brief #328 “Faced with concerns about the economy and the cost of living, as well as worries about the declining value of savings and the increase in health care expenses, American… Continue Reading

80 Percent of Governments Don’t Account for Spending

“The Open Budget Initiative is a global research and advocacy program to promote public access to budget information and the adoption of accountable budget systems.” “Eighty percent of the world’s governments fail to provide adequate information for the public to hold them accountable for managing their money, according to the Open Budget Index 2008. Nearly… Continue Reading

March 2009 Manufacturing ISM Report On Business®

News release: “Economic activity in the manufacturing sector failed to grow in March for the 14th consecutive month, and the overall economy contracted for the sixth consecutive month, say the nation’s supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM Report On Business®…None of the 18 manufacturing industries reported growth in March. The industries reporting contraction in… Continue Reading

New on – Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information

Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information – Networking is supposed to be essential to successful leaders. But what is the importance of networking conceptually? People are only one form of this vital leadership resource. Stuart Basefksy explains how would one go about developing expanded networks of information and sources. Continue Reading