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Monthly Archives: April 2009

New GAO Reports: Maritime Security, Superfund, SBA and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Small Business Administration’s Implementation of Administrative Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, GAO-09-507R, April 16, 2009 Maritime Security: Vessel Tracking Systems Provide Key Information, but the Need for Duplicate Data Should Be Reviewed, GAO-09-337, March 17, 2009 Superfund: Greater EPA Enforcement and Reporting Are Needed to Enhance Cleanup at DOD Sites, GAO-09-278, March… Continue Reading

CBO: The Budgetary Implications of NASA's Current Plans for Space Exploration

The Budgetary Implications of NASA’s Current Plans for Space Exploration, April 2009 “In 2004, President Bush announced his “Vision for U.S. Space Exploration,” which called for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to develop new vehicles for spaceflight that would allow humans to return to the moon by 2020. In response, NASA restructured its… Continue Reading

AARP – Social Security Disability Insurance: A Primer

Social Security Disability Insurance: A Primer Research Report – Ellen O’Brien, AARP Public Policy Institute, April 2009 “For most U.S. workers and their families, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides protection against a key source of economic insecurity-the loss of earnings due to disability. Today, 9.3 million Americans-disabled workers, their spouses, and dependent children-rely on… Continue Reading

EPA – 2009 U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report

Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2007 Although the Earth’s atmosphere consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen, neither plays a significant role in enhancing the greenhouse effect because both are essentially transparent to terrestrial radiation. The greenhouse effect is primarily a function of the concentration of water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), and other… Continue Reading

Treasury Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies

“This Semi-Annual Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies finds that the ongoing crisis is having substantial negative effects on the performance of every economy assessed. Economic growth rates have plummeted and for many economies, growth has turned negative. Exchange rates have come under sharp downward pressure, especially in emerging market economies,… Continue Reading

Pew Report – The Internet's Role in Campaign 2008

“Some 74% of internet users–representing 55% of the entire adult population–went online in 2008 to get involved in the political process or to get news and information about the election. This marks the first time that a Pew Internet & American Life Project survey has found that more than half of the voting-age population used… Continue Reading

2009 National AIDS Drug Assistance Programs Monitoring Project Annual Report

2009 National ADAP Monitoring Project Annual Report: “The National ADAP Monitoring Project Annual Report provides the latest data on state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs). ADAPs, part of the Ryan White Program, provide HIV medications to low-income people with HIV/AIDS who have limited or no prescription drug coverage. ADAPs operate in all 50 states, the… Continue Reading

Global Warming: Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Would Save Arctic Ice, Reduce Sea Level Rise

News release: “The threat of global warming can still be greatly diminished if nations cut emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases by 70 percent this century, according to a new analysis. While global temperatures would rise, the most dangerous potential aspects of climate change, including massive losses of Arctic sea ice and permafrost and significant sea… Continue Reading