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Daily Archives: April 12, 2009

New on – Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information

Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information – Networking is supposed to be essential to successful leaders. But what is the importance of networking conceptually? People are only one form of this vital leadership resource. Stuart Basefksy explains how would one go about developing expanded networks of information and sources.

New on – Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web

Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web – Elisa Mason’s guide highlights information resources focused on the arena of human rights and humanitarian law norms that are evolving to address the broadening scope of protection issues that encompass millions of internally displaced around the world. Continue Reading

EIA: Quarterly Coal Report, Natural Gas Production Data, Market Assessment of Planned Refinery Outages, Green Pricing and Net Metering Programs

Federal Register notice: Financial Reporting System (04/10/2009): “Attached is a Federal Register notice for the Energy Information Administration’s Financial Reporting System. Comments are due by June 8, 2009.” EIA’s Natural Gas Production Data (04/09/2009): “This special report examines the stages of natural gas processing from the wellhead to the pipeline network through which the raw… Continue Reading

EPA Adds Nine Hazardous Waste Sites to Superfund’s National Priorities List

News release: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is adding nine new hazardous waste sites that pose risks to human health and the environment to the National Priorities List of Superfund sites. Also, EPA is proposing to add 13 other sites to the list. Superfund is the federal program that investigates and cleans up the most… Continue Reading

Probation and Parole in the United States, 2007 – Statistical Tables

News release: “Presents the number of persons on probation and parole at yearend 2007, by state, with percent changes in each state during the year. The statistical tables provide state-level probation and parole supervision rates and entries and exits. National and state-level data on parole re-incarceration rates are presented. Tables provide the total community supervision… Continue Reading

Official Version: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Public Law 111–5, 111th Congress, 123 STAT. 115, Feb. 17, 2009 [H.R. 1] American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 407 pages, PDF “An Act Making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September… Continue Reading

National Archives to Release Reagan and Bush 41 Presidential Records

News release: “Acting Archivist of the United States Adrienne Thomas announced [April 10, 2009] that 245,763 pages of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush Presidential records will be opened for research on Monday, April 13, 2009, at their respective libraries. These records, which were still pending with the George W. Bush Administration as of January… Continue Reading