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Daily Archives: April 8, 2009

Hildebrandt RHildebrandt Reports Law Firm Mergers Rising at Accelerated Rate in 2009

“According to Hildebrandt … law firm merger activity significantly increased during the first quarter of 2009, with a total of 33 completed law firm mergers and acquisitions involving US law firms. This compares with 22 completed US mergers in the first quarter of 2008, and 23 in the first quarter of 2007. Six additional mergers announced during the first quarter are to be completed during the second quarter of 2009, for a total of 39 thus far in 2009. Lisa Smith, head of Hildebrandt’s Law Firm Strategy and Merger Practice, said “As we predicted at the beginning of the year the pace of consolidation in the legal industry has accelerated. We continue to see high interest in mergers and acquisitions, particularly as firms complete their internal restructuring processes and turn to strategic positioning.”

CQ Announces New Map Showing 2008 Presidential Election Results By Congressional District

“In winning the 2008 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama built his 7 percentage-point popular vote margin over Republican John McCain on widespread appeal across the nation’s regional lines. This is evident in the map, based on CQ Politics’ analysis of the presidential vote, which shows Obama finished ahead of McCain in 242 of the nation’s… Continue Reading

CBO: The Impact of Ethanol Use on Food Prices and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

CBO Paper: The Impact of Ethanol Use on Food Prices and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions, April 2009 this analyisis “examines the relationship between increasing production of ethanol and rising prices for food. In particular, CBO estimated how much of the rise in food prices between April 2007 and April 2008 was due to an increase in the… Continue Reading

Whistleblower Protection Organization Releases New Report Urging FDA Clinical Trial Reform

“Today, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) [released] a new “white paper” report, The ABCs of Drug Safety: Accountability, Balance, and Citizen Empowerment, which focuses on the severe problems with the current system for conducting and regulating clinical trials. The report details the urgent need for reform.” Continue Reading