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Daily Archives: April 7, 2009

NY DA Announces Indictment on Bank Fraud and Sale to Iran of WMD Technology

News release: “Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau announced today a 118-count indictment of a Chinese citizen and his company for charges relating to the misuse of Manhattan banks and the proliferation of illicit missile and nuclear technology to the Government of Iran. The Chinese company, known as LIMMT, is a major supplier of banned weapons material to the Iranian military.”

Congressional Oversight Panel Report Assessing TARP Strategy After Six Months

News release: “The April oversight report for COP is entitled Assessing Treasury’s Strategy: Six Months of TARP. In this report, COP offers a preliminary look at Treasury’s strategy and offers a comparative analysis of previous efforts to combat banking crises in the past. Over the last six months, Treasury has spent or committed $590.4 billion… Continue Reading

WSJ: Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies

“Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials…But protecting the electrical grid and other infrastructure is a key part of the Obama administration’s cybersecurity review, which is to be completed next week. Under the Bush administration,… Continue Reading

Presentations by Acting Comptroller of GAO: Accountability and Transparency in Government

Presentations By The Acting Comptroller General “Key Fiscal Challenges Facing the Accountability Community,” by Gene L. Dodaro, acting comptroller general of the United States, before the 2009 AGA Southeast Region Professional Development Conference, in Nashville, Tennessee. GAO-09-505CG, April 2, 2009 “GAO: Promoting Accountability and Transparency in Government,” by Gene L. Dodaro, acting comptroller general of… Continue Reading

Fujimori Found Guilty of Human Rights Crimes

News release (includes links to declassified documents): “As a special tribunal in Peru pronounced former president Alberto Fujimori guilty of human rights atrocities, the National Security Archive today posted key declassified U.S. documents that were submitted as evidence in the court proceedings. The declassified records contain intelligence gathered by U.S. officials from Peruvian sources on… Continue Reading

New Book: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society

Via EPIC: “A new study by leading scholars from the USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands and Italy has revealed that laws are reinforcing technology’s ability to undermine the anonymity of citizens. The law reveals a preference for legislation requiring people to submit to identification and an increasing encroachment of rules into areas where there were previously… Continue Reading by Onvia

“Welcome to and Onvia. This site was developed to bring unprecedented transparency and accountability to recovery spending and ensure that every business, regardless of size, has equal access to the projects associated with the recovery efforts. On this site you will find real-time data, maps, and graphs detailing the spending activity associated with the… Continue Reading

Sustainable Critical Infrastructure Systems: A Framework for Meeting 21st Century Imperatives

National Academies Press, prepublication: Sustainable Critical Infrastructure Systems: A Framework for Meeting 21st Century Imperatives, 2009. “For the people of the United States, the 20th century was one of unprecedented population growth, economic development, and improved quality of life. The critical infrastructure systems-water, wastewater, power, transportation, and telecommunications-built in the 20th century have become so… Continue Reading

EPA Launches National Cell Phone Recycling Week: April 6-12

News release: “As part of its efforts to celebrate Earth Day during the entire month of April, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency has launched National Cell Phone Recycling Week, April 6 through April 12. This joint effort between EPA’s Plug-In To eCycling program and leading cell phone manufacturers, retailers and service providers increases national awareness… Continue Reading