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Daily Archives: March 23, 2009

Cuomo Announces Voluntary Partial Return of AIG Bonuses

Follow up to previous postings on NY AG Cuomo’s high profile response to AIG bonuses, news Monday evening via the New York Times: “Mr. Cuomo said he was working his way down a list of A.I.G. employees, ranked by the size of their bonuses, and had already won commitments to pay back $50 million out of the total $165 million awarded this month. But in a reversal of the stand he took last week, he said he did not intend to release any names.”

  • Related postings on financial system
  • White House: Investing in Our Clean Energy Future

    Fsct Sheet: Investing in Our Clean Energy Future: “Today, President Obama [met] with clean energy entrepreneurs and leaders of the research community to discuss his strategy for building a clean energy economy and creating the industries and jobs of the future. The American Reinvestment Recovery Act and his FY10 budget dramatically increase investment in cutting-edge… Continue Reading

    New GAO Reports: 2010 Census, Nonprescription Drugs, Children's Health Insurance

    2010 Census: Communications Campaign Has Potential to Boost Participation, GAO-09-525T, March 23, 2009 Nonprescription Drugs: Considerations Regarding a Behind-the-Counter Drug Class, GAO-09-245, February 20, 2009 State Children’s Health Insurance Program: CMS Should Improve Efforts to Assess whether SCHIP Is Substituting for Private Insurance, GAO-09-252, February 20, 2009 Continue Reading

    GPO Plan for Transparency and Open Government

    “GPO is releasing the Public Printer’s Letter to President Obama regarding transparency and open Government. The letter offers GPO’s support in helping to implement the President’s initiative leveraging the Federal Digital System (FDsys). Five goals with accompanying actions were provided that GPO is prepared to undertake to help implement the President’s initiative.” Continue Reading

    EPA's Earth Day Site

    “On April 22, 1970, 20 million people across America celebrated the first Earth Day. It was a time when cities were buried under their own smog and polluted rivers caught fire. Now Earth Day is celebrated annually around the globe. Through the combined efforts of the U.S. government, grassroots organizations, and citizens like you, what… Continue Reading

    A State-By-State Look at How Federal Public Health Dollars are Spent

    News release: “Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) report examines how the economic downturn could lead to serious cuts to disease prevention and emergency preparedness programs at the state level. Researchers found that Midwestern and Southern states received less funding from the federal government than Northeastern and Western states… Continue Reading

    EFF Launches Search Tool for Uncovered Government Documents

    News release: “In celebration of Sunshine Week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today launched a sophisticated search tool that allows the public to closely examine thousands of pages of documents the organization has pried loose from secretive government agencies. The documents relate to a wide range of cutting-edge technology issues and government policies that affect… Continue Reading