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Monthly Archives: February 2009

Rand Report: Securing Afghanistan Getting on Track

Rand Report: Securing Afghanistan Getting on Track, January 23, 2009 “This Working Paper examines the security environment in Afghanistan, assesses the programs put in place to address these threats, identifies existing gaps, and offers possible solutions. The report was vetted by top experts on Afghanistan in an extensive review process. The authors are C. Christine… Continue Reading

February 2009: Civil Rights Digital Libraries Enhance Americans’ Understanding of Important Era

“The Civil Rights Digital Library (CRDL), a comprehensive civil rights Web site and portal hosted by the University of Georgia, saw an enormous spike in the number of hits during the week of January 19 when the nation celebrated the inauguration of President Barack Obama and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday. Among CRDL’s… Continue Reading

Updated Fact Sheet, State-Level Data on HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States

“The Kaiser Family Foundation this week updated a number of its key resources on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States, timed with the release of new surveillance data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated resources include the Foundation’s fact sheet, on the epidemic in the U.S., state-level data, on new… Continue Reading

Geithner, Summers Convene Official Designees to Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry

Follow up to recent postings on the auto industry bailout, this news release: “Today, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council (NEC) Director Larry Summers convened official designees to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry to discuss recently submitted restructuring plans from Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corporation. The Task Force will… Continue Reading

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Where Is Your Money Going?

Where is your money going? “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act targets investments towards key areas that will save or create good jobs immediately, while also laying the groundwork for long-term economic growth. The charts and numbers below give you an idea of where the money is going. Over the upcoming months, we will provide… Continue Reading

District Court Judge Directs Treasury to Comply With Fox Document Request

“FOX Business Network has won a victory against the Treasury Department in its Freedom of Information Act request for details about the government’s bailout plan. Judge Richard J. Holwell of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said in a decision Friday that the government is directed to comply with FOX… Continue Reading

DHS OIG: Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Reporting of FY 2008 Drug Control Enforcements and Obligations

OIG-09-20 – Independent Review of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Reporting of FY 2008 Drug Control Performance Summary Report (PDF, 17 pages) OIG-09-19 – Independent Review of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Reporting of FY 2008 Drug Control Obligations (PDF, 8 pages) Continue Reading

DHS: 2009 National InfrastructureProtection Plan

“The National Infrastructure Protection Plan provides the unifying structure for the integration of a wide range of efforts for the enhanced protection and resiliency of the nation’s critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) into a single national program. The overarching goal of the NIPP is to build a safer, more secure, and more resilient America… Continue Reading

Presentations: GAO's Work on Today's High Risk Issues, Challenges Facing New Administration and 111th Congress

Presentations By The Acting Comptroller General: GAO’s Work on Today’s High Risk Issues and Long-Term Challenges, by Gene L. Dodaro, acting comptroller general, before the Arizona Society of CPAs, in Phoenix, Arizona. GAO-09-382CG, February 6, 2009 Challenges Facing the New Administration and the 111th Congress, by Gene L. Dodaro, acting comptroller general, before the AGA… Continue Reading