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Monthly Archives: February 2009

Google Book Search Settlement – New Commercial and Access Models Await Readers

Timothy B. Lee: “Speaking at Princeton on Thursday, Richard Sarnoff, chairman of the Association of American Publishers, discussed the landmark settlement in the Google Book Search case. Sarnoff speculated that the agreement could effectively give Google and Amazon a “duopoly” in the online book market.” Richard Sarnoff – Reinventing Access to Books: The Landmark Settlement… Continue Reading

Tax Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

IRS: “Congress has approved and the President has signed new economic stimulus legislation, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The IRS is implementing tax-related provisions of this new program as quickly as possible. Here are some key highlights: Payroll Checks Increase This Spring. The Making Work Pay Tax Credit will mean $400 to… Continue Reading

New GAO Report: Securing, Stabilizing, and Developing Pakistan's Border Area with Afghanistan

Securing, Stabilizing, and Developing Pakistan’s Border Area with Afghanistan: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight, GAO-09-263SP, February 23, 2009 “Since 2002, destroying the terrorist threat and closing the terrorist safe haven along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan have been key national security goals. The United States has provided Pakistan, an important ally in the war on terror,… Continue Reading

Joint Statement by the Treasury, FDIC, OCC, OTS, and the Federal Reserve on the Capital Assistance Program

News release: “”A strong, resilient financial system is necessary to facilitate a broad and sustainable economic recovery. The U.S. government stands firmly behind the banking system during this period of financial strain to ensure it will be able to perform its key function of providing credit to households and businesses. The government will ensure that… Continue Reading

Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances

Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances, Brian K. Bucks, Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L. Mach, and Kevin B. Moore, February 12, 2009 “The Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances for 2007 provides insights into changes in family income and net worth since the 2004… Continue Reading

New Rockefeller Institute Report Examines State Budgets and the Federal Stimulus Package

News release: “While states will benefit greatly from the federal stimulus program – receiving over $150 billion over three years – state budget gaps still loom at the end of that period, according to a new report issued today by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. The report, written by Institute Senior Fellow Donald J. Boyd,… Continue Reading

Dynamic Maps of Bank Card and Mortgage Delinquencies in the United States

Federal Reserve Bank of New York: Dynamic Maps of Bank Card and Mortgage Delinquencies in the United States. Credit Card Delinquency Rate 60+ days. Mortgage Rate Delinquency Rate 90+days. The source of the data is from credit reporting agency, TransUnion, LLC and its Trend Data database. For additional data see: Credit Conditions in the United… Continue Reading

Bloomberg FOIA Request For Fed Documents on Bailout

Via Michael Ravnitzky: “Bloomberg News asked the Federal Reserve Board to disclose the securities that the central bank is accepting from banks on behalf of taxpayers as collateral for $1.5 trillion in loans to the banks, according to a November 2008 Bloomberg news report by Mark Pittman. Bloomberg News [subsequently] sued the Federal Reserve to… Continue Reading

Declassified Oral History Interviews Posted by National Security Agency

“The National Security Agency (NSA) has recently declassified and posted lengthy, formerly Top Secret oral history interviews with four of its most prominent personnel: Arthur J. Levenson, Dr. Solomon Kullback, Oliver R. Kirby, and Benson K. Buffham.” [The Memory Hole] Note: “the NSA The National Security Agency/Central Security Service launched its newly redesigned public web… Continue Reading

NOAA Launches National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library

“The National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library is an online vault where a comprehensive collection of select video clips and high-resolution still images from America’s underwater treasures are securely stored and available for searchable access and download.” Users may enter key word searches, select options for Web, print or video formats, as well as specific catagories… Continue Reading

Five Year Plans for State Libraries – 2008-2012

“The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute’s mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas.” “Each state creates a 5-year plan for its programs to strengthen the efficiency, reach, and effectiveness… Continue Reading