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Monthly Archives: February 2009

New on Six Questions and a Strategy for Campus-wide Information Competence

Six Questions and a Strategy for Campus-wide Information Competence. At Cornell University Library (CUL) a committee was established in 2005 to address the issue of information literacy at the university. The committee did extensive research on this topic and developed an approach for seeking solutions. Stuart Basefsky presents three exhibits to accomplish this objective. Continue Reading

Judiciary Cmte. Hearing: The Need for Increased Fraud Enforcement in the Wake of the Economic Downturn

February 11, 2009 – The Need for Increased Fraud Enforcement in the Wake of the Economic Downturn, John S. Pistole, Deputy Director, FBI, Before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing “Fraud Trends: The current financial crisis has produced one unexpected consequence: it has exposed prevalent fraud schemes that have been thriving in the global financial system.… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Weapon Systems Acquisition, FAA Reauthorization

Defense Management: Actions Needed to Overcome Long-standing Challenges with Weapon Systems Acquisition and Service Contract Management, GAO-09-362T, February 11, 2009: “Several underlying systemic problems at the strategic level and at the program level continue to contribute to poor weapon systems acquisition. The total acquisition cost of DOD’s 2007 portfolio of major programs has grown by… Continue Reading

Minneapolis Fed: Recession in Perspective

“This page places the current economic downturn into historical (post-WWII) perspective. It compares output and employment changes during the present recession with the same data for the 10 previous recessions that have occurred since 1946.” [Note: be sure to click links titled: Larger Image and View Data (xls)] See also Minneapolis Fed Forecasts Economic Downturn… Continue Reading

TARP Accountability Hearing: Use of Federal Assistance by the First TARP Recipients

House Financial Services Committee hearing entitled TARP Accountability: Use of Federal Assistance by the First TARP Recipients, February 11, 2009. The committee called on eight CEOs representing companies who received TARP money to testify. Witness List & Prepared Testimony: Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co. James Dimon, Chief Executive… Continue Reading

SEC Charges KBR and Halliburton for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations

News release: “The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settlements with KBR, Inc. and Halliburton Co. to resolve SEC charges that KBR subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root LLC bribed Nigerian government officials over a 10-year period, in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), in order to obtain construction contracts. The SEC also charged… Continue Reading

Side-By-Side Chart of Notable Differences Between Senate-Passed and House-Passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Follow up to related postings on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, from the Senate Finance committee, this Side-By-Side Chart of Notable Differences Between the Senate-Passed and the House-Passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Joint Committee on Taxation – Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Contained In The “American Recovery… Continue Reading

EIA Reports: Crude Oil, Energy Outlook, Petrol Supply, Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves

U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves 2007 Annual Report (02/10/2009): “National and State estimates of proved reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids in the United States as of December 31, 2007.” OPEC Revenues Fact Sheet (02/10/2009): “Based on projections from the EIA February 2009 Short Term Energy… Continue Reading

Treasury Secretary Geithner Outlines Comprehensive Financial Stability

“On Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner outlined a comprehensive plan to restore stability to our financial system. In the address, Secretary Geithner discussed the Obama Administration’s strategy to strengthen our economy by getting credit flowing again to families and businesses, while imposing new measures and conditions to strengthen accountability, oversight and transparency… Continue Reading