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Monthly Archives: February 2009

Global Employment Trends January 2009

EU: Unemployment, working poor and vulnerable employment to increase dramatically due to global economic crisis. Global Employment Trends January 2009, International Labour Organization: “The global financial crisis has triggered a serious slowdown in world economic growth including recession in the largest industrialized countries. Enterprises have stopped hiring and many are laying off workers in considerable… Continue Reading

ProPublica – The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending

The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending by Michael Grabell and Christopher Weaver, ProPublica: “The appropriations section of the bill details spending in excess of $311 billion for programs ranging from Pell grants for college students to clean water in central Utah to nearly $100 billion in new transportation and infrastructure projects. Here’s our… Continue Reading

New GAO Report: Aviation Security – Federal Air Marshal Service

Aviation Security: Federal Air Marshal Service Has Taken Actions to Fulfill Its Core Mission and Address Workforce Issues, but Additional Actions Are Needed to Improve Workforce Survey, GAO-09-273, January 14, 2009. “Because the number of air marshals is less than the number of daily flights, FAMS’s operational approach is to assign air marshals to selected… Continue Reading

FTC Staff Revises Online Behavioral Advertising Principles

News release: “Federal Trade Commission staff…issued a report describing its ongoing examination of online behavioral advertising and setting forth revisions to proposed principles to govern self-regulatory efforts in this area. The key issue concerns how online advertisers can best protect consumers’ privacy while collecting information about their online activities…The report discusses the potential benefits of… Continue Reading

Pew Internet: Twitter and status updating

“In the past three years, developments in social networking and internet applications have begun providing internet users with more opportunities for sharing short updates about themselves, their lives, and their whereabouts online. Users may post messages about their status, their moods, their location and other tidbits on social networks and blogging sites, or on applications… Continue Reading

HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus bill)

Via THOMAS: HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus bill) New York Times – Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St. Bonuses: “The restriction with the most bite would bar top executives from receiving bonuses exceeding one-third of their annual pay. Any bonus would have to be in the form of… Continue Reading

Report: Variety of Chemicals Found in Waters Flowing into Lake Champlain

News release: “A variety of man-made chemicals has been found in the streams and wastewaters that discharge into Lake Champlain. The chemicals found include pesticides, fire retardants, fragrances, detergent degradates, and caffeine. These findings were released today by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The chemicals were found at extremely low concentrations, measuring a few parts… Continue Reading