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Monthly Archives: May 2005

US Gov’t Part of Global Effort to Combat Spam Zombies

FTC press release today: FTC, Partners Launch Campaign Against Spam “Zombies”: “The Federal Trade Commission and 35 government partners from more than 20 countries have targeted the technology trick used by illegal spammers to tap into consumers’ home computers and use them to send millions of pieces of illegal spam. Spammers use hidden software that… Continue Reading

GAO Addresses Challenges of Migration to Enhanced Internet Protocol

Internet Protocol Version 6: Federal Agencies Need to Plan for Transition and Manage Security Risks, GAO-05-471, May 20, 2005. Highlights. “The Internet protocol (IP) provides the addressing mechanism that defines how and where information such as text, voice, and video move across interconnected networks…IP version 6 (IPv6) was developed to increase the amount of available… Continue Reading

DC Metro Amends Privacy Policy for SmarTrip Data Collection

Press release, May 19, 2005: Metro adopts privacy policy and makes other records easier to access: “A new privacy policy adopted by the Metro Board today protects the privacy of customers’ personal information. The new policy was designed to protect the privacy of individuals by disclosure without prior written authorization from the person. It assures… Continue Reading

Coalition of Advocacy Organizations Opposes Granting FBI Administrative Subpoena Powers

FBI asks US Congress for new power to seize documents Related reference: From EFF DeepLinks, a copy of a letter [PDF] to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence expressing the collective opposition by a range of civil liberties/civil rights organizations, “to granting to the FBI in national security investigations… Continue Reading

Testimony on the Individual Alternative Minimum Tax

Statement of Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Director, Congressional Budget Office: The Individual Alternative Minimum Tax, before the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight Committee on Finance, United States Senate, May 23, 2005 (15 pages, PDF): “The number of taxpayers who are affected by the AMT and the revenues that are collected as a result of it have… Continue Reading

Publishers Express Continued Concerns With Google Print for Libraries Program

From, A Google Project Pains Publishers – The major presses are raising thorny legal issues with the search giant’s initiative to digitize the books of the world’s great libraries. “In [this] letter, the Association of American University Presses’ Peter Givler takes issue with Google’s Print for Libraries program.” [Link] See also related postings on… Continue Reading

Draft Copy of Bill to Reauthorize Certain PATRIOT Act Provisions

“On Thursday, May 26, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will consider in closed session a draft bill that would both renew and expand various USA PATRIOT Act powers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has obtained a copy of the draft bill, along with the committee’s summary of it..” [Link] Draft of new PATRIOT Act… Continue Reading