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Daily Archives: May 31, 2005

Yahoo Beta Search Tool Sorts Results Into Commercial and Informational Groups

Mindset: “A Yahoo! Research Labs demo that applies a new twist on search that uses machine learning technology to give you a choice: View Yahoo! Search results sorted according to whether they are more commercial or more informational (i.e., from academic, non-commercial, or research-oriented sources).” FAQ about the demo Related news: New Search Stars –… Continue Reading

Debate Continues Behind Closed Doors on PATRIOT Act Extension

The Proposal to Reauthorize and Expand Parts of the USA PATRIOT Act: Why It’s Unnecessary and, In Some Respects, Dangerous, By Anita Ramastry. Patriot Act Extension Debated at Closed Congressional Meeting American Civil Liberties Union Testimony at an Oversight Hearing on the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001: Section 505 (National Security Letters) and Section 804… Continue Reading

Identity of Watergate Confidential Source Revealed After 30 Years

“In a Vanity Fair exclusive, W. Mark Felt, 91 years old and formerly second-in-command at the F.B.I., says that he is the confidential Watergate source who assisted Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein—and helped bring down President Richard Nixon.” [Text version, and in PDF] And tonight from the Washington Post (reg. req’d), Washington… Continue Reading

Is Mainstream Embrace Around the Corner for RSS?

What is the future for Web sites in a world of RSS? by Matt McAlister, VP & General Manager, Online, InfoWorld. [Micro Persuasion] “We’ve all joined onto a platform, a common standard for pushing/pulling/sharing individual items. Those items might be news headlines, transaction data, persistent search queries, links to downloads, etc. And because we have… Continue Reading