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Daily Archives: May 9, 2005

Justification for War Questioned by 88 Reps

This May 1, 2005 UK Times article, Blair hit by new leak of secret war plan, is referenced in this May 5, 2005 letter of inquiry (8 pages, PDF) to President Bush, signed by 88 U.S. Representatives. The letter asks five specific questions in an effort to seek verification that the “United States and Great Britain had secretly agreed to attack Iraq in the summer of 2002, well before the invasion and before [you] even sought Congressional authority to engage in military action.”
Related references:

  • The secret Downing Street memo
  • From CNN: Bush asked to explain UK war memo
  • From the Washington Post, British Intelligence Warned of Iraq War
    Blair Was Told of White House’s Determination to Use Military Against Hussein
  • Will the New York Times Launch a Blog?

    Editor and Publisher reports on the recommendations of an 19 member internal audit committee whose 16 pages report includes the following: “Consider creating a Times blog that promotes interaction with readers.” Also of note, the report states, “…we must strengthen and better define the boundary between news and opinion.” The report, “Preserving Our Reader’s Trust”… Continue Reading

    GPO and LC Confront Challenges to Web Docs Preservation Efforts

    From Federal Computer Week, this article reviews the challenges of digital preservation programs initiated by LC and GPO. The agencies are seeking technology solutions that harvest data on government documents to fulfill directives to digitize collections, archives and websites. Challenges to these initiatives include copyright issues, vast deep web document repositories, and the tremendous scope… Continue Reading

    Recent Surveys Track and Report on Corporate Data Leaks

    Two recent articles worth review that cite a number of recent surveys, along with accompanying statistics, detailing corporate security leaks. The more general article is from and notes that Gartner Group research identifies 70% of security breaches as orginating from within organizations. This LabRat Magazine article provides additional references on data leaks as well… Continue Reading

    SEC to Commence Release of Disclosure Filings

    SEC press release:”The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that on May 12, 2005, it will begin the process of publicly releasing comment letters and response letters relating to disclosure filings made after Aug. 1, 2004, and reviewed by the Division of Corporation Finance and the Division of Investment Management. See Press… Continue Reading